Comet Lemmon

C/2012 F6  (Lemmon)
C/2012 F6 (Lemmon)

• Object Name: C2012 F6 Lemmon

• Object Type: Comet

• Location: Pelayos de la Presa Spain

• Date: 14/07/2013

• Media: Graphite Pencil HB 2, torchon 1 and 130g drawing sheet

• inverted colors with GIMP 2.8

In late June the comet Lemmon began to be visible to observers in the northern hemisphere, before, in the southern hemisphere, showed a long tail that has characterized this comet. Now we show only a beautiful fluorescent C2 gas coma (turquoise in the photos).
I could see for the first time on June 6, but it was the morning of the 14th when I made a small log with notes and drawing and its distance from the sun was 2 AU and 1.9 AU is Earth Cassiopeia was in in a very rich star field, about 2 ° of M52 and had already risen about 65 degrees above the horizon.

With 80x magnification is shown as a cloud discussion with poorly defined borders, its brightness was low, with the center a little more dense and down very gently outward. The tone of his luster was smooth and looked lively, not dull like galaxies. Its size would be around 3 ‘or 4’ relative to the eyepiece. With no colorfulness lost tail, but it was very nice “so that we can have known” before we leave this year (I think it does not return for another 10 years).

Greetings to all visitors of this page. PVG. Alcorcon, Madrid 19/07/2013

Jones 1

Jones 1
Jones 1


I submit to you a sketch of Jones 1 or PK104-29.1. After an evening of excellent seeing & pursuing dim & stellar planetary objects, this was a treat to finish the evening with. The sketch shows my observation using OIII & NPB filters.

Jones 1 is a 12th to 15th magnitude (depending on source referenced) ~5’ planetary nebula located in Pegasus. It appears very dim but takes on much more detail with the use of OIII or NPB filters. It appears somewhat circular with the brightest rim to the NW, however another rim of brightness appears to the SE at times. With prolonged observation there is a shimmering & shifting to the brightness within the broken ring. A few dim stars appears embedded with averted vision. My profession is in the medical field and I was struck by a first impression of a 3 dimensional corpuscle!

Cindy (Thia) Krach

10/10/13 12:45 am
Jones 1 Planetary Nebula in Pegasus
12.5” Portaball
14mm 109x
OIII or NPB filters
graphite pencil on white paper inverted with Photoscape

Crater Albategnius

Crater Albategnius
Crater Albategnius

This sketch is centered on the large walled plain crater Albategnius (135 km.). The well illuminated inner and outer rim margins appeared very rugged in contrast to the smooth floor interrupted by the off center mountain casting a large shadow. A sizable portion of the western wall was destroyed by crater Klein (45 km.). Klein also has a central peak which was overtaken by shadow during this observing session. Also visible in the sketch on the eastern side of Albategnius are craters Ritchey (25 km.), Hind (30 km.) and close by Halley (36 km.)


For this sketch I used: black Strathmore 400 Artagain paper, 8”x 12”, white and black Conte’pastel pencils, flat white paint, pink pearl eraser and blending stumps.

Telescope: 10 inch f/5.7 Dobsonian and 6mm eyepiece 241x
Date: 09-26-2013 00:30 – 02:00 UT
Temperature: 15°C (60°F)
Clear, calm
Seeing: Antoniadi III
Co longitude: 165.3°
Lunation: 20.55 days
Illumination: 60.7 %
Phase: 282.3°

Frank McCabe

Ancient Light from Andromeda

Messier 31
Messier 31

ASOD: ” Andromeda galaxy M31″

Object Name: Messier 31, M 32 and M110

Object Type: Galaxy

Date: 10/6/2013

Location: A Coruña, Galicia. Spain.

Media: pencil, white paper, color invert and enhance with Gimp.

Miyauchi binoculars Bj-100 (26x)

Seein: 3/5 (good)

This is my first attempt to draw the great Andromeda galaxy. I like to end my observations by pointing to M31 and think about the long journey from his light until it reaches us.

Triple Shadow Transit on Jupiter

Jupiter - Triple Shadow Transit - October 12, 2013
Jupiter – Triple Shadow Transit – October 12, 2013

Hi all,

On October 12th good weather allowed me to see the rare triple shadow transit on Jupiter, and in addition seeing was excellent. Callisto’s shadow was big and somewhat fuzzy, near the south pole, while Io’s and Europa’s were tiny and sharp, at both sides of the SEB. It was very interesting to see all three shadows move across the planet for one hour! The sketch corresponds approximately to the middle of the event.

Sketch: 2HB graphite pencil on white paper, scanned and processed with Photoshop CS3
Object Name: Triple shadow transit on Jupiter
Object Type: planet and moons
Location: Asturias, Spain
Date: October 12th, 2013 5:05 UT
Instrument: 120mm f/8.3 refractor + Ortho 6mm / Nagler T6 9mm + barlow 2x (167x / 222x)

Best regards,
Diego González

Jets of Halley

Comet 1P/Halley
Comet 1P/Halley

Hey ASOD- friends!

This is a sketch of the famous comet P/ Halley.
The comet showed some structures in the circular coma (jets), and
it was interesting to see an occultation of the nearby star to west by
the centralcondensation later!
In january 1986, comet Halley got a 2 deg. long tail and was a
fine object in binos and telescopes from Norway.
I found Halley early (8. oct.- 85), and followed it carefully all the way
on northern sky and from Tenerife in apr. – 86.
At this time I was leader of the comet- section in Norway.
The sketch was made with graphite (pencil) on white paper (inverted).
Location : Trondheim, Norway. Info on my sketch!

Best wishes from : Per-Jonny Bremseth.