Hi all!
That was the longest observation, in my life. I drew the Orion nebula for several days (total length of over 5 hours).
2012-03-18 Day 1. – the brightest stars are sketched (50 minutes)
2012-03-19 Day 2. – The faint stars drew a picture (up to magnitude 13) (90 minutes)
2012-03-20 Day 3. – I drew in high mist details dark and clear sky. (90 minutes)
2012-03-21 Day 4. – worked in the drawing (approximately 120 minutes)
Location: Nagyvarsány/Hungary
Observer: Viktor Cseh
Telescope: 140/880 Newtonian telescope, 35X, 88X, 176X
More drawings: viktorcsehdraws.blogspot.com
Clear Skies! 🙂