Object Name: Jupiter
Object Type: Planet
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: 03/04/15
Media: Polychromos: Ivory, Cadmium Yellow, Cadmium Orange, Burnt Ochre, Brown Ochre, Burnt Siena, Cold Grey II & Black. Blenders and Pencil Rubber.
Telescope: SkyWatcher Maksutov 5″.
Eyepiece: SW TMBII 7mm (214x), SW TMBII 9mm (166x), Explore Scientific 14mm 82º (107x).
Conditions: Seeing: 3.
Observations: The size does not represent de actual FOV. I used different powers because some details were visible with certain EP’s. The drawing took me around 45 minutes, so the planet rotation was noticeable!
Nombre de objeto (M42
Tipo de objeto (Nebulosa.)
Ubicación (Observatorio Astronomico Orion)
Fecha (15-02-2015)
Medios (lápiz de grafito,.)
Bueno pues vos presento el dibujo de esta noche, que trabajo me ha costado.
Mas de una hora dibujando y a merecido la pena para poder plasmar tanta belleza en un papel con unos lapiceros de grafito, un difumino y mucha paciencia.
Que lo disfruteis.
[English translation via Google Translate]
Well I present you tonight’s drawing, that work has cost me.
More than an hour drawing already worthwhile to capture such beauty on paper with a graphite pencils a stump and patience.
I hope you enjoy it.
Object Name: NGC 5286
Object Type: Globular Cluster
Location: La Matanza, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: 23/02/2015
Media: Graphite pencil, white paper, Photoshop
Info: This sketch was done using a Newtonian telescope, 150/750 f5, at 1 a.m. . Seeing was tolerable.
Eclipse totale de Lune du 4 avril 2015, observée au T400x80 à Nouméa, lors d’une soirée publique. Ce chapelet est un compositage de 5 croquis (crayons de couleur sur papier blanc) où sont notées le rendu global (teintes, lumière, position) avec un dessin de pleine Lune réalisée le lendemain. Les nuages en début de séance ajoutent un effet interessant.
[English translation via Google Translate]
Total lunar eclipse of April 4, 2015, observed T400x80 in Noumea, at a public event. This rosary is a composite of five sketches (colored pencils on white paper) which are rated the overall rendering (colors, light, position) with a full moon made the next drawing. The clouds in early trading add an interesting effect.
Eyes turned to the sky early this morning on Maui for the shortest total lunar eclipse of the 21st Century. This is due to the Moon passing through the edge of the umbra instead of the center where the circular diameter of the Earths shadow would be widest. The maximum time for totality (when the Moon passes into the umbra) can be up to 1 hour 40 minutes so the umbral portion lasting only a little more than 4 minutes is a short one. The time of partial eclipse this morning made for a beautiful transition across the lunar surface of darkness and then totality. As I always see a rabbit in the Moon I thought maybe the Easter Rabbit Moon has a lot to do getting all those eggs hidden and no time for a long performance, though it was still a great show!
This is a 7×50 binocular view sketch during totality. The Rabbit in the Moon appears to be flying a kite asterism which seemed fitting for the spring occasion of the season.
Happy Easter!
Cindy (Thia) L. Krach
Eclipse time 12:16-3:45HAST
Umbral Phase 1:58-2:03 HAST
Maui, HI
Black Strathmore Artagain paper
Conte Crayon & x colored pencils, white charcoal pencil, brush technique to apply colors
Contrast adjustment in Photoscape
Hi ASOD , this is my second version of the sketch !
Objetive : Ptolomeo Open Cluster , or M7.
Tool : pencil HB and white paper
Edit with :Picasa
Author : Rodrigo Green
From General Viamonte , Argentina to ASOD
Bye !!!
Hello friends,
I send you a a quick drawing of Nova Sagitarii taken this morning, March 31, 2015
The sky was clear but the nova was very low on the horizon, with binoculars it looked splendid and bright.
Although very easy to locate from Nunki naked eye vision was difficult due to its low height.
I made a digital animation in GIMP of a partial eclipse of Europa by Ganymede (27%). During the event I saw clearly a “division” between the two moons but it was impossible to tell which moon was before the other. Because I couldn’t detect any color difference between the two moons I guess the “division” was an optical illusion due to the 8-figure. Hope you like it!