ASOD submissions

Please send your astronomical sketches or related submissions to:

10 thoughts on “ASOD submissions”

  1. i sent my last moon sketch but i don’t see posted in site.I make a mistake?
    i weith your answer.
    Thank you,Giorgio Bonacorsi

  2. Hi Jean, thank you for your submissions. We did receive them a couple days ago, on the 7th and 8th of this month. Please continue to use both email addresses (one goes to me, and one goes to Rich Handy).

    We usually receive a few submissions a day, so it can take some time before a sketch gets posted (and unfortunately we aren’t able to post all of them). We do have one of yours queued up to post soon, so keep checking back. Thanks again for submitting them, and we look forward to your future sketches.


  3. Excelent website. It allow me to notice all the variousity of sketch that exist and all the methods of sketching. Thanks a lot for the web site !!

  4. Hello;
    Yesterday send my first drawing for this great site and if you have not received or that.
    It was the swan veils NGC 6960 to 6992.
    If not published on the web you might see in another section?

  5. Hi,
    I have submitted my sketch about the Great Red Spot of Jupiter 4-5 days ago. I am just making sure if you received it or not.Please acknowledge if you did.Have a great day. Thanks in advance.


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