Hyades and NGC 1647

Hyades and NGC 1647
Hyades and NGC 1647

Object: Hyades and NGC 1647
Date: I. 03. 03. 2013.
II. 04. 03. 2013.
UT.: I. 20h24m – 21h12m
II. 19h53m – 21h38m
Equipment: Stellarvue 50/200 finderscope (F50W2 Deluxe)
40 mm GSO Plöss eyepiece
Mag.: 5x
FOV: ~ 10˚ x 5˚
S = 8 T = 4
Observer: János Gábor Kernya
Location: Sükösd, Hungary

One thought on “Hyades and NGC 1647”

  1. Kernya, what an interesting and difficult project you have rendered so well 🙂 Only we star sketchers know how challenging it is to get distant suns accurately placed and round, so round!

    Very well done, Dale UK

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