
Plato Crater
Plato Crater

Title: Plato crater
My name: Silvia Fabi
Object name: Plato
Object type: crater
Location: Ferrara
Date: 18/02/2013
Media: white pencil and black paper
Seeing: I/II (Antoniadi scale)
Description: this crater has a diameter of 109 Km and it’s deep only 1,0 Km. It is located in the North Pole of the moon.

4 thoughts on “Plato”

  1. Silvia,

    Very impressive to see those long shadows on the floor.
    Great sketching.

    Frank 🙂

  2. Bravissima Silvia!!! Finaòmente un’astrodisegnatrice!!! io spero di fare dei nuovi disegni della Luna,ma con questo meteo….
    Complimenti ancora,sulla carta nera non é facile tirar fuori le luci!!

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