Petavius Crater
Sketch and Commentary by Carlos E. Hernandez
I made an observation of the crater Petavius and environs on July 31, 2007 (03:00-04:15 U.T.) using my 9-inch (23-cm) F/13.5 Maksutov-Cassegrain. Petavius (25.3*S, 60.4*E) measures 110 miles (177 km) in diameter containing a central mountain range, prominent rille (Rimae Petavius, (50 miles (80 km) in length) and ridges over it’s eastern and northern sections. Smaller rilles are also noted over it’s floor. Wrottesley (23.9*S, 56.8*E) is the crater noted along the western border of Petavius. The elongated crater to the east of Petavius is Palitzsch (28.0*S, 64.5*E) which measures ~25 miles (41 km) and appears half illuminated and half in shadow. Hase (29.4*S, 62.5*E) is a disintegrated crater that lies to the south of Petavius and measures ~52 miles (83 km). Several craters in shadow (with illuminated rims) appear towards the terminator.
The observation was made using graphite (4H to HB) then scanned into Photoshop and adjusted.
Links to Petavius;
This is a wonderful sketch and description of crater Petavius and its surroundings. Truly a superb pencil drawing expertly rendered.
Frank 🙂
How beautiful!
My hat goes of for a sketcher like you. 🙂
Holy Cow! That is just a magnificent sketch of Petavius with astounding detail.