Moon-Jupiter Conjunction

View of a Colorful Conjunction

Moon-Jupiter Conjunction
Moon-Jupiter Conjunction

Tonight I was hoping to glimpse the conjunction of the Moon with Jupiter. There was a lot of moisture in the air & as I often observe here in Hawaii when there is a lot of moisture in the air there was a lovely 22 degree Moon halo. Jupiter was a mere 2 degrees from the Moon & made a lovely sight. With the extra moisture in the air there was also a hint of red in the surrounding glow around the Moon. I sat down on the porch to sketch & when I looked up could not resist including Christmas lights under the eves that were in my view. Happy Holidays & clear skies all.

Thia Krach
Maui, Hawaii
4,000 ft elevation
Fair seeing condition making for lovely phenomenon
Black paper with chalk & oil pastel


Something nagged me as I thought about Jupiter & the Moon last night after I submitted my sketch. I realized they were not 2* apart when I sketched them as they would have been at their closest conjunction. Earlier in the evening when the skies were cloudy is when they would have appeared to be closest.

Thia Krach

5 thoughts on “View of a Colorful Conjunction”

  1. Thia,

    Love your Moon Jupiter and halo sketch with Christmas lights – festive and colorful.

    Frank 🙂

  2. Thia,

    Love your Moon Jupiter and halo sketch with Christmas lights – festive and colorful.

    Frank 🙂

  3. Thia,

    A wonderful sketch. It captures the essence of the conjunction and surrounds, and I’m sure will be a treasured reminder of the event.


  4. Thia,
    I experienced the same halo that night, here in San Diego. It was intriguing, and you have truly used the opportunity to create a wonderful piece of art. Thank you for sharing.

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