Gauss, Hahn and Berosus Craters
By Barry Chase
Barry made this sketch of Gauss and its surroundings at 0337 UT on December 25, 2007, using a 100 mm f/9 EO Refractor at 180X.
From his observing notes:
Gauss: walled-plain crater (177 km x 3.6 km [deep]) NE limb of moon. The crenelated western rim is an interesting view at this phase/libration.
Hahn (to the SSE of Gauss) has an elongated central ridge and Berosus (74 km x 3.6 km [deep]) is to the ESE of Gauss.
Below is an accompanying finder sketch Barry made to note the position of these features on the Lunar surface
Great looking sketch of Gauss, Hahn and Berosus at the terminator.