Daylight Moon

Daylight Moon

Daylight Moon
Move mouse over image to view uncolorized version.

Dear Asod,

I send you here my sketch made of the Moon in daylight. on 18th December everybody was after Lovejoy, but I had no chance to observe it, as from my observing place I am unable to block out the Sun. However, the Moon was up and visible until around UT 10:00, so I decided to go for it.
I observed it with 26x, without any filters (I had tried with neutral filter, but it did not help, so I took it out).

Date: 18th December 2011, UT: 9:00-10:00
Equipment used: 130/650 SW
Media: Graphite pencil on white paper
Location: Budapest, Hungary

dr. Hannák Judit

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