Two in the midst of hundreds

Delta Lyrae and Stephenson 1 

Delta Lyrae, Stephenson 1

A drawing of a double star that was supposed to be a walk in the park turned out to
be a lot more challenging. This moonless night was filled with plenty of stars. So
was the field of view around Delta Lyrae. Countless milkyway stars were scattered
like pinpricks in the sky. Leaving them out of the sketch was no option. I also read
that Delta Lyrae is part of a sparse little cluster called Stephenson 1. I had a
hard time to recognise the grouping as a cluster. Here is the sketch.

Date : September 4, 2007
Time : 21.00UT
Scope : Skywatcher 102/500
Meade 4000 SP 26mm
Power : x20
FOV: 150′
Filter : none
Seeing : 3.5/5
Transp. : 3/5
Nelm : 5.3
Sketch Orientation : N up, W right.
Digital sketch made with PhotoPaint, based on a raw pencil sketch.
Rony De Laet

5 thoughts on “Two in the midst of hundreds”

  1. Wonderfully rendered drawing! I’ve been studying Lyra lately, and there is just so much to see. Thank you for sharing.

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