Early Morning mars


I have attached my latest Mars sketch for your interest. This resulted from my 3rd
observation of Mars during this opposition. Unfortunately seeing was too poor
during the 2nd session to allow me to make a ‘reliable’ sketch.

Mars SPA
I find observing in the early morning so invigorating and am always on a high
for the rest of the day following such an opportunity. As I have noted so often
before the view gets more detailed and contrasty as the dawn sky brightens. On
this occasion I noted a distinct brightening along the northern polar region
which I hope I have depicted agreeably in my sketch.
When I observe and sketch Mars I never research what I’m likely to see in case
some preconceived image might cloud my vision of reality at the eyepieces.

Dale Holt

One thought on “Early Morning mars”

  1. Dale, Impressive Mars sketch. It seems so early in the return of Mars to be sketching the red planet but based on your drawing I see it is not too early. I wish I could be wide awake all day after an early morning observation.


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