“Almost” Globular Cluster

Messier 71
By Ignisdei (Robert Twarogal)

In my five-year observation history , there hasn’t been such ugly year. Only rain and clouds over my country. However, yesterday evening, the sky suddenly cleared, after strong rain and appeared so many stars.
At the east horizon hunged Sagitta, (the Arrow). That night I looked inside it.
I really like this “almost globular cluster” 🙂


Object Name: M71….”The almost globular cluster :)”
Object Type (globular cluster )
Location (Oborniki, Poland)

Date (17-05-2010)
Equipment: 11″ Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope + Heq5, WO SWAN 40mm,

4 thoughts on ““Almost” Globular Cluster”

  1. Ignisdei

    Looks very pretty.

    Observing just after a rain storm can be provide some very good sky conditions.


  2. Ignisdei,

    Very nice sketch of M 71. It does look a bit more like a distant open cluster than the globular it is. And isn’t in in a star filled field?

    Frank 🙂

  3. Thank you Friends!

    Frank yes, certainly! There are plenty of stars aroud the cluster:) , but in the suburbs (where I used to watch the sky) I see them less than my colleagues watcheing in dark places, many of stars are like weak spirits. In sketching this one, I tried to capture the globular cluster and brighter stars around, deliberately skipping the weak environment. I apologize for it 😉

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