NGC 5054
Sketch and Details by Bertrand Laville
Here is the contribution I propose this time. It is a galaxy presently well visible, and with a lot of structure. Interesting because never sketched, according my web searches.
My log is the following one: Observation of NGC 5054
Object information
Object name: NGC 5054
Object type: Galaxy
Magnitude: 10.90
RA: 13h 17m 30s
Dec: 16° 41′ 13″ S
Constellation: VIR
Observation details
Date of observation: 26 mars 2009 00:45 UT
Length of observation: 63 min
Object position: Alt: 29.4°, Az: 181.8°
Weather conditions: 11h: J++ V2-3NW t6.8° T1.5 01h25: N+/- V2N t6° hu49% QZ21.57 LZ 21.55
Observation conditions: SQMZ 21.57 SQM-LZ 21.55, naked eye limited magnitude in UMi~6.0, ~6.5at zenith. T2 P1.5 S4 (on scales 1/best to 5/worst)
Observing site: Puimoisson le PetitTelle (southern fench Alps, alt 700m)
Instrument: TN 635 Dobson Obsession
Main eyepiece: Televue Ethos 8mm
Barlow: (None)
Magnification: 390x
Notes: x102 Nagler 31mm
I am a bit disappointed: the galaxy is weak, little elongated, a/b ~ 2, pale blue, in a clear field.
x390 Ethos 8mm
It is the good power. The north-west spire is identified, then the north-east one, but the winding pattern is difficult.
PGC 46256 is easy, but only as a cigar without structure.
PGC 83913 is not visible.
More details on
Excellent sketch of a galaxy that looks great in your 25 inch scope. It is a bonus that you also captured the 13.4 mag PGC 46256 spiral too.
Fantastic drawing of a spiral galaxy that only a big mirror could give.
Curious, you always draw a square picture.