Moon, Venus and Mars Conjunction
Sketch and Details by Carlos E. Hernandez
I was able to observe the conjunction between the Waning Crescent Moon (25.7 days old), Venus (-4.21m), and Mars (1.14m) on June 19, 2009 (10:00 U.T.). I first noted the trio over in the eastern sky with the Moon approximately 34 degrees above the eastern horizon, Mars at ~29.5 degrees, and Venus at ~29 degrees. In the bright twilight sky Mars was a little difficult to pick out but once located it was easy to find. The sight was just as impressive using my Oberwerk 11 x 56 mm binoculars. Mars and Venus easily fitted in one binocular field. By combining three binocular fields I can place the trio as I noted them. I hope that others were able to view the conjunction as well.
Moon, Venus and Mars Conjunction through binoculars
Sketch and Details by Carlos E. Hernandez
Digital images produced in Photoshop CS3.
Carlos E. Hernandez
Beautiful pair of sketches. Bravo!
Frank 🙂