Object name: IC434, B33, Horsehead Nebula
Object type: dark nebula
Location: Cottage Grove Lake, Oregon
Date: Feb 21, 2015
Media: charcoal and graphite pencils on drawing paper, scanned to jpg
Telescope: 13.2 inch [34cm] f/3.0 on a night of incredible transparency
Eyepiece: 21mm Ethos giving a 1.8 degree field of view
Filter: H-Beta
Mel Bartels
Whaw, I’m impress! You did a superb sketch with this material!
An impressive sketch showing grand detail.
Frank 🙂
Aloha Mel,
A truly amazing amount of detail observed and relayed here. Great to see your work here on ASOD.
What an outstanding sketch! Amazing view of the Horsehead you had, as a result of your sketch, we all get to enjoy it as well.