Here is a sketch of the Moon on the 5th of September from my backyard
in Adelaide, South Australia.
The moons phase was waxing at 83%, with only the very western edge
still in shadow. I observed with a C11 SCT. Seeing was quite
reasonable, so I took a 15mm eyepiece + 2x Barlow for a close look.
The shallow illumination on Mare Humorum made the creases on the mare
floor stand out. Crater Gassendi, toward the bottom, showed stark
shadows. Rimae Hippalus was visible, passing through the partially
submerged crater Hippalus at the top right. Because I used a diagonal
prism, the sketch is mirror imaged.
I used pastel chalks and black and white pastel pencils on black
Bravo Ivan, a very nice piece of moon.
Dear Ivan,
you are wrong, the ASOD site is only for sketches, not for photographs… XD
Ah… What? It’s a drawing? NO! Incredible!
Excellent !!!
Jean-Marc (APAM astroclub – Fr)
Very much enjoyed the fine details of your lunar surface.
This is a beautiful capture of crater Gassendi and M. Humorum.
You handled all the delicate features masterfully.
great lunar post.
Frank 🙂
Magnificent, very realistic and detailed. No need to take my telescope to see the moon 🙂