Object Name: M31 y M32
Object Type: Galaxy
Location: Leioa (Bizkaia) – Spain
Date: 2014-02-05 / 21h 15m U.T.
Media: White paper, 4B, 2B y HB graphite pencil, scanned and inverted with Photoshop
Telescope: Celestron OMNI 127 XLT
Eyepiece: Skywatcher LET 25mm (50X)
Transparency: Clear, City Skies.
Location Constellation: Andromeda
Assessments: M31 appears as a soft spot with a faint gray color, with a rounded shape. M32 looks like a star faded, dull and dim. clearly within the field only saw it 6 stars, I could sometimes see some more but very faint.
Comentarios: M31 aparece como una suave mancha, con un tenue color gris, con una forma redondeada. M32 parece una estrella difuminada, sin brillo y muy tenue. claramente dentro del campo solo veía 6 estrellas, aveces podía ver algunas mas, pero muy tenues.
For more details of my observation, you can visit my blog:
Thank you and best regards