Title: Grimaldi crater
My name: Silvia Fabi
Object name: Grimaldi
Object type: moon crater
Location: Ferrara (Italy)
Date: 14/03/2014
Media: 6B and 2B pencils
Seeing: II
Description: this is a very interesting crater! There were a lot of details and shadows.
I have tried to sketch it and I hope you like it.
5 thoughts on “Grimaldi Crater”
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A beautiful close in sketch of crater Grimaldi.
Frank 🙂
Aloha Silvia,
Your shadows of the jagged Grimaldi wall on the crater floor is very realistic. Very nice work.
Vert nice sketch, good work on shadows and details.
Your technique is good. Carry on !
Jean-Marc (FR)
Ciao Silvia! Gran bel disegno,complimenti!!Che strumento usi? Anch’io sono un disegnatore lunare.
Spero di veder presto un altro tuo lavoro.
Thank you very much!
Grazie! Io uso il dobson 254 mm della Sky-Watcher. Vorrei cercare di migliorare la mia tecnica nei disegni lunari perché non mi soddisfano molto… Però non so come ..
Ciao, Silvia