Lunar North Polar Region
For several nights this week the lunar North Pole has been tilted more towards earth due to favorable lunar libration in latitude. It has been a good opportunity to view craters such as Whipple, Peary, Byrd and others. I had a clear night with average seeing so I took advantage of the opportunity to sketch the illuminated region near the pole. At my location the Moon was at more than 60 degrees above the horizon which also helped with the time needed to complete a sketch.
Sketching and Equipment:
For this sketch, I used black Strathmore 400 Artagain paper 9” x 12”, white and
black Conte’ pastel pencils and blending stumps.
Telescope: 13.1 inch f/6 Dobsonian and 6 mm eyepiece (333x) riding on an equatorial platform
Date: 04-09-2014, 01:00-02:35 UT
Temperature: 3° C (38° F)
Clear, calm
Seeing: Average – Antoniadi III
Transparency 4/5
Colongitude 16.2 °
Lunation 9 days
Illumination 63.9 %
Frank McCabe
Great sketch Frank, congratulations. Two difficulties: favorable libration and match clear skies … you’re a lucky man 🙂
Hi! Frank, Lunar excellent sketch, happiness is a good realistic work.
Hi Frank
Excellent, I like the idea of using the libration oportunity to sketch some Moon difficult profiles as you do (so good)!
Oscar, Roberto and Michel,
Thank you all for your kind words. I look forward to see more sketches from each of you soon.
Frank 🙂
You Frank are top of the class, this is an amazing sketch of an unvisited region 🙂
Dale UK
I made this Lunar zone some years ago….But your work is most beautyfull than mine.
Bellissimo Frank!!Bravo come sempre!!
Dale and Giorgio,
Thank you both this was a grand view.
Frank 🙂