Crab Nebula Binocular View

Messier 1
Messier 1

Object name: M1, Crab Nebula
Object type: Supernova remnant
Location: Lijiang, China
Date: November 27, 2014 05+30 hours
Media: Graphite pencil and yellow notebook paper. Scanned, inverted and processed in photoshop
Equipment: 15×70 Binoculars

Conditions: Clear sky with no moon, seeing 2/3, Bortle 5, Constellation above 60 degrees over the horizon.

Hello dear ASOD friends,

Since last time from Bogota Colombia, me and my family decided to move to Lijiang China. This is a very clean air “little” city (800000 hab aprox) and thanks to that and its altitude (2400 meters above sea level), I have had wonderful clear and dark nights to enjoy. Although it is only me and my binos since I sold my scope in Colombia, these skies have given me the most pleasant views of dim sky objects and now I am having the opportunity to add more and more dim DSOs to me sketching list. Let me invite you all to take a look in my blog for more sketches:

Clear skies and warm beds 🙂


NGC 6995 (Veil Nebula)

NGC 6995, "The Veil Nebula", a supernova remnant in the constellation Cygnus
NGC 6995, “The Veil Nebula”, a supernova remnant in the constellation Cygnus

Object Name: NGC 6995
Object Type: Supernova Remnant
Location: Morella (Spain)
Media: white paper, graphite pencil, 7B, HB, scanned and inverted with Paint
Equipment: Newton 8″ + plossl 25mm + OIII filter
Sky Conditions: Clear sky, no light pollution, good seeing and transparency
Notes: Without OIII filter that nebula appears as faint “cloud” at the eyepiece field but I can see some structures along the nebula. Using OIII filter the image is incredible!, I can see much more details and structures and the contrast between the sky and nebula is higher. One of my favourite objects, awesome.

Thank you.

The Veil with a pair of big binos

The Veil Nebula, NGC 6992 and NGC 6995
The Veil Nebula, NGC 6992 and NGC 6995

A pair of big binos are certainly complementary to a telescope and you’d be amazed at what they can reveal under a decent sky. Here’s how I saw the eastern Veil through my Nexus 100 binos under my Italian mountain sky, using a couple of 21mm Siebert Ultrawide eyepieces and a pair of UHC filters. According to my experience even a C8 would have a difficult time matching this, although obviously at only 24x the magnification was a lot lower. The field of view was cut slightly more than you’d expect with 80° eyepieces because it took me already about an hour and a half putting all this on paper (pencil on white paper) and given the very short eye relief of these eyepieces it was too tiring trying to scan the outer edges of the FOV every time. Well, I hope you like it…

Veil Nebula Complex – Widefield

Veil Nebula Complex - NGC6960, NGC 6992, Pickering Triangle
Veil Nebula Complex – NGC6960, NGC 6992, Pickering Triangle

Short description:

Object Name Veil Complex in Cygnus – NGC6960, NGC 6992, Pickering Triangle
Object Type supernova remnant
Location Budy DƂutowskie – small village in central Poland
Date 03.10.2013
Media graphite pencil, white paper, color invert
Telescope Sky Watcher refractor 120/600 + GSO 30mm + Baader OIII
Seeing 3/5 (medium)
Transparency 3/5 (medium)
NELM 5,5 mag

Veil Complex (or Cygnus Loop) is a very popular object for bigger apertures (>10”) with OIII filter. But in past I dreamt to see it whole in one field of view. When I bought SW 120/600 I decided to try. I needed to use wide field GSO 30mm eyepiece with 70 degree AFOV, so I achieved 3,5 degree of FOV. It was sufficent 🙂
Full Veil Complex in one field of view looks really beatufiul. “Finger of God” and Eastern Veil shine bright on a dark sky backround and between them you can find misty shadow of Pickering Traingle.
I can say it’s really easy object, but one of the most spectacular ones.

You should try it!

Clear Sky

The Eastern Veil

NGC 6992, 6995, IC 1340
NGC 6992, 6995, IC 1340


Here is one sketch from my Cirrus Observation/Drawing Project!!
NGC 6992/5
16″ 136-180x with OIII und UHC
Fst: 6m5; Adelegg 1100m; Germany
Sketch with Graphit Pencill and white Paper!
I have drawing the complete object in 4 individual drawings and then i put it together in one final drawing.

Heire the Link to the other Drawings:
The Cirrus Complex:

Lg von HajĂŒ

NGC 6992, 6995, IC 1340 - Original Negative Sketch
NGC 6992, 6995, IC 1340 – Original Negative Sketch

The Whispy Veil

NGC 6960
NGC 6960

This is a sketch of NGC 6960, part of the Veil Nebula. Originally sketched on white paper, reversed and processed in Gimp 2. This is my second time doing this method, and I am pleased with the results.

Scope: Criterion RV-6
Ocular: GSO 32mm Plossl + Celestron.
Location: Prescott, AZ

Thanks for looking!

The Crab

Messier 1
Messier 1

Name: M1 “The Crab”

Type: Supernova remnant, diffuse nebula

Location: Gardner, CO; 37Âș50’N 105Âș11’W

Date: September 7, 2013 0300 MDT

Media: Conté crayon, pencil and ink on black Canson paper

Equipment: 18” Newtonian Reflector on a Dobsonian mount

Observer: Knuklhead Astronomer

The Eastern Veil

Eastern Veil (NGC6922-6955 / IC1340)
Eastern Veil (NGC6922-6955 / IC1340)


I’d like to submit my latest sketch for the ASOD. The Object is the Eastern Veil (NGC6922-6955 / IC1340) which I’ve observed with my 18″ f/4,45 homemade Dob. It was done at my observatory in CarĂč di Villa Minozzo, a small village in the Emilian Apennines of northern Italy on the evening of the 5th of July. Originally I used pencil on white paper and then elaborated it extensively on the pc to make it look as realistically as possible.

Have you ever had one of these drawings you’ve always wanted to make but never got round to it? Well, this one used to be mine. Perhaps I was afraid of the many subtleties, the complexity and the enormous amount of time involved (mostly because having to re-acclimatise my eyes to the dark after every pencil stroke). This nebula is so spectacular with the 2″ binoviewers and a couple of 82° eyepieces. It just didn’t fit in the FOV though and unfortunately I had to find a balance between the “snake’s teeth” (IC1340) and the bright NGC6992 area. It also took me quite some time indeed, but in the end I’m really pleased with the result. I hope you are too.

Kind regards,
