Occultation of Jupiter

Occultation of Jupiter
Occultation of Jupiter


I send my sketch of the “Occultation of Jupiter”

Sketch shows a moment of Jupiter by the Moon Cloak and umbrella immunity telescope eyepiece at 120x magnification. God heard my prayers! Despite the terrible weather the moon emerged from behind the clouds. The view was magnificent. Emotions reached its zenith. Sketch was made before the moon covered the planet. Unfortunately I did not see the moons of Jupiter as the light clouds hamper perception. I hope you managed to show this phenomenon :))
In addition, the nature of the country lent incredible experience.

Object name: Occultation of Jupiter
Location: Psary in Poland
Date: July 15, 2012 3:32 pm
Media: Pencil 2B, blue crayons, white paper. Background and field of view was created in GIMP
Thanks and regards :)))))))

Occultation of Jupiter by the Moon

Jupiter Occultation and Conjunction
Jupiter Occultation and Conjunction

Hi, here attached my last souvenir

Object Name (Jupiter, Moon, Venus and Hyades)
Object Type (occultation)
Location (Néoules Var France)
Date (2012 July 15th)
Media (graphite pencil for the moon, and watercolor for the dolmen sketch)

So early! I observed with a friend of mine from 3h to 5h AM local time.

Close to Néoules, we have a good place with a good sky to observe the rising of Sun, Moon and planets.

The telescope I use to sketch is a Bresser 1000/102.

The two first sketches were made in this place; the watercolour was made just after the occultation, 5 km further. How many occultation this megalithic dolmen has seen?

On the watercolor, we can see the planet Venus and perceive the Hyades open cluster with Aldebaran

That was very early but,… what a wonderful spectacle !
Kind regards

Michel Deconinck

Jupiter Occultation
Jupiter Occultation
Jupiter Occultation
Jupiter Occultation

Lights at Dawn

Conjunction - July 15, 2012 - Venus, Jupiter, Moon, Aldebaran, Pleiades and Hyades
Conjunction - July 15, 2012 - Venus, Jupiter, Moon, Aldebaran, Pleiades and Hyades

Planetary conjunction at dawn: Venus, Jupiter, Moon, Aldebarán, Pléyades and Hyades.
Drawing made at 5:30 in the morning from the balcony of house in a village near Toledo, Spain.
July 15, 2012

Sketch made with graphite on white paper, inverted with Photoshop.
The sky was crystal clear and pristine,
A beautiful sight for the eyes… although it should be up early enough to see.

Hope you like it.


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Altair83 Observers at Flassans

Altaïr83 Club Observing
Altaïr83 Club Observing

Object Name (form Orion to Venus)
Object Type (End winter sky)
Location (Flassans-sur-Issole Provence France)
Date (3/16/2012 )
Media (graphite pencil, watercolour, white paper, software paint.net)

During the March 16th night the Flassans-sur-Issole, a nice south France site was sketched with some observers of the Altaïr83 club. The site is mainly used for astrophotography I liked the red light effect of the atmosphere, brilliant eyes and red led. On my sketch we can see from left to right the Orion constellation, the Hyades, Pleiades and near the horizon, Venus close to Jupiter.

I made this sketch using graphite pencil, then I put the red colour effect in my workshop then I had to reverse the sky via paint.net.

Clear sky to you all

Michel Deconinck

Moon Halo and Jupiter

Moon Halo and Jupiter

Object: Moon Halo & Jupiter – 22 degree Halo around the moon
Object type: Moon & reflected light phenomenon, Jupiter
Location: Maui Hawaii
Date December 3,2011
Media: Charcoal pencil & sketch paper, Photoscape used to invert white to black

I walked outside tonight & beheld this lovely phenomenon I have observed many times here in Hawaii. I had always assumed it was a “Moonbow” but on further research realize it is a 22 degree Halo around the moon. Rough measurements were made using my fingers & fist for the degree of bow around the moon as well as distance of Jupiter from the halo to the North East. The inner halo is very distinct as a white rim that fades outward, and the inner area is darker than the outer. The ring around the moon is caused by the refraction of ice crystals in the upper atmosphere. The shape of six sided hexagonal ice crystals results in the focusing of the light into a ring.

Smartphone Conjunction

Moon, Jupiter, Venus Conjunction
Moon, Jupiter, Venus Conjunction

Conjunction of the Moon, Jupiter and Venus, sketched from a street in Antioch, California, U. S. A.

I’ve been observing these three over the last few days, watching as Jupiter and Venus grow closer in the skies, and always enjoying the waxing moon just after it’s new. Last night, I decided to sketch the view on my phone while I waited for my bus home. There was a slightly lit tree also in my view, so I went ahead and included it for interest. 🙂
The sky was fully dark, with some thin icy wisps of cloud. Seeing was decent, aside from street lights and traffic.

Jupiter, Venus & Moon – all at once

Conjunction of Jupiter, Venus and the Moon - February 25, 2012
Conjunction of Jupiter, Venus and the Moon - February 25, 2012

I present to You quick, but interesting sketch. Today’s view of the three bright celestial objects.
Conjunction of Jupiter, Venus and the Moon.
Venus and Moon – close to each other.
Jupiter – bright object on the left at the top.

This sketch is based on observation with the naked eye. Made with pancil, then inverted and processed with GIMP2.
Aleksander Cieśla (wimmer)