Lost in the Small Magallanic Cloud

The Small Magellan Cloud, a dwarf irregular satellite galaxy of the Milky Way
The Small Magellan Cloud, a dwarf irregular satellite galaxy of the Milky Way

Object Name: Small Magallanic Cloud
Object Type: Galaxy
Location: Argentina, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Monasterio
Date: 22/11/2014 Time 22:30 Hs
Media (graphite pencil, white paper, digital tools.
Telescopio: Reflector 130-900 Eq2 motorizado.
Eyepiece: BST 18MM (50X)
Seeing: 6/10.
En esta epoca del Año, las Pequeña nube de Magallanes, se encuentra a un elevacion 50º, permitiendo una observacion muy comoda. La idea de la observacion era registrar e identificar diferentes objetos de la Nube Menor asi como tambien de sus alrededores.
Dentro de la Galaxia pude observar 4 objetos:
NGC 330 : Cumulo Globular.
NGC 346: Region H II.
NGC 371: Cumulo Abierto con nebulosidad.
Estos 3 objetos ubicados en la parte inferior izquierda de abajo hacia arriba.
Por otra parte, en la parte centrar de la galaxia, pude detectar una region compuesta por un Cumulo Abierto con Nebulosidad denominado N19.
Lo interesante de esta region en el cielo es que es muy rica en objetos, muy cerca de la Pequeña Nube de Magallanes, se encuentran dos Cumulos Globulares, NGC 104 y NGC 362, estos dos objetos, fueron incluidos en el Skech a pesar de que no entran en el campo del eyepiece, pero realmente es una zona del cielo muy rica en objetos y no podia dejarlos fuera del skech

Traslator Google:
Telescope: Reflector Eq2 motorized 130-900.
Eyepiece: BST 18MM (50X)
Seeing: 6/10.
This time of year, the Small Magellanic Cloud, is an elevation 50 °, allowing a very comfortable observation. The idea was to record the observation and identify different objects in the Cloud Minor as well as its surroundings.
Inside the Galaxy could see four items:
NGC 330: Globular Cumulo.
NGC 346: H II Region.
NGC 371: Cumulo Open with nebulosity.
These three objects located in the lower left bottom upwards.
Moreover, in the part center of the galaxy, I could detect a region composed of an Open Cumulo with Nebulosity called N19.
The interesting thing about this region in heaven is that it is very rich in objects near the Small Magellanic Cloud, are two Clusters Globular, NGC 104 and NGC 362, these two items were included in the Skech though do not enter the field eyepiece, but it really is an area rich sky objects and could not leave them out of skech.

Arp 206

Arp 206, an irregular galaxy in the constellation Leo Minor
Arp 206, an irregular galaxy in the constellation Leo Minor
Detail sketch showing the nomenclature and location of the components of the Arp 206 system
Detail sketch showing the nomenclature and location of the components of the Arp 206 system

Dear All,

I grabbed an observation of a real cracking Arp galaxy in Leo Minor before work this morning at 05.30am. The sky was the most transparent that I have enjoyed in 2014 thus far.
I hope that my sketch and detail map of Arp 206 are of interest?

Best wishes to all, Dale

Do you want to know more about my interest in astronomy? If so take a look at my Website: http:/www.chippingdaleobservatory.com/

Keep up to date with observations from Chippingdale Observatory by reading the Blog http://chippingdaleobservatory.com/blog/

NGC 253: Sculptor Galaxy

NGC 253 (Caldwell 65) aka "The Silver Coin Galaxy" is located in the constellation Sculptor
NGC 253 (Caldwell 65) aka “The Silver Coin Galaxy” is located in the constellation Sculptor

NGC 253: Sculptor Galaxy

This galaxy in Sculptor is commonly known as the Silver Coin galaxy and is designated NGC 253 (Caldwell 65). It is a beautiful, large, bright galaxy with a mottled appearance and known to be producing huge numbers of new stars. This spiral galaxy is about 12 million light years away from us and glows at visual magnitude 8.
This target is located at: R.A. 00 hrs. 47.5 min. Dec. -25° 17’
This is a must sketch target.


Time: 12:15 am – 11:30 am local time October 17, 2014
Location: Mesa, Arizona
Telescope: 10” f/4.5 Orion Newtonian with a 13mm Hyperion eyepiece for 88 x
White sketching paper 8.5” x 12”, graphite pencils 6B, 4B, 2B, blending stumps
Sketch inverted after scanning.

Frank McCabe

Messier 77

Messier 77, a Seyfert galaxy with an active galactic nucleus or core located in the constellation Cetus
Messier 77, a Seyfert galaxy with an active galactic nucleus or core located in the constellation Cetus

Object: Messier 77 (Seyfert galaxy, Cetus)
Date: 28. 11. 2011.
UT.: 21h01m-21h29m
Equipment: 305/1525 Dobsonian telescope
Mag.: 218x
FOV: 12’
S = 8 / 10 T = 5 / 5
Observer: János Gábor Kernya
Location: Sükösd, Hungary

Moneda de Plata

NGC 253, "The Silver Coin" or "Silver Dollar Galaxy"
NGC 253, “The Silver Coin” or “Silver Dollar Galaxy”

Object Name: NGC 253 (Sculptor Galaxy)
Object Type: Galaxy
Location: Iglesuela (Spain)
Date: 26/08/2014
Media: Graphite pencil, white paper, scanned and inverted with paint
Telescope: Newton 6″ f5 + Hyperion 13mm (57x)

Notes: This is a beautiful galaxy, it is big an brilliant and it looks like silver coin (also called “moneda de plata”). Although that object does not reach much above the horizon, I can discern entire galaxy (or almost) easily and the core shows more brilliant. The galaxy is elongated and thin because it is edgewise.

Best Regards

Small Magellanic Cloud

The Small Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf irregular galaxy interacting with our Milky Way galaxy.
The Small Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf irregular galaxy interacting with our Milky Way galaxy.

Object: Small Magellanic Cloud

Date: 01. 06. 2013.

UT.: 22h51m-23h42m

Equipment: 120/600 Sky-Watcher achromatic refractor, star diagonal

Mag.: 15x

FOV: 8˚ x 8˚

S = 8 / 10 T = 5 / 5

Observer: János Gábor Kernya

Location: Farm Isabis – Red house (Namibia)

Abell 70

Planetary nebula Abell 70 and background galaxy PMN J2033-0656 make a beautiful duo
Planetary nebula Abell 70 and background galaxy PMN J2033-0656
make a beautiful duo
Abell 70 and galaxy PMN J2033-0656 field details
Abell 70 and galaxy PMN J2033-0656 field details

Hi All,

Not up to the quality of recent CCD images but something I certainly found pretty
exciting Abell 70 and friend in Aquila. I know that Abdrew Robertson has taken a look
after I shared this with him, so I hope that it inspires other too.

Here is my blog that accompanies the sketch:

I have been ‘told’ reminded and prompted regarding my lack
of astronomical activity this summer! I hold my hands up, guilty as charged I
cry, there are a couple of short tales from the sky that I have failed to share
here, but in general, I have been off elsewhere! Playing harmonicas, painting, and
drawing watching bands, associating with hot rodders in my truck, playing with
bee hives, building large garden structures and generally having a good time!
OK I get the message, astronomy is not for neglecting and I feel guilty so I’m back
and will make every endeavour to keep it that way.
With a stiff talking too from my friend Keith on Sunday
evening ringing in my eyes, the clear Monday evening sky forced me into the
observatory, the cob webs were incredible; it took me a while to clear the
worst of them. I set up the scope, plugged in the leads, opened the stiff roof
sections and pointed the scope skywards. It was only dusk, but I was eager to
make amends for my inactivity, I didn’t have a target in mind, so I thought
something bright, a revisit perhaps, to ease myself back into things. I flicked
through a few of the books on the shelf for inspiration, the scope was supposedly
pointing at Altair in Aquila, so something in that constellation would be good,
short hops would keep things accurate, I thought.

Nothing so far, until I looked through Kepple and Sanner,
last image for Aquila was Abell 70, no pencil tick on it so I hadn’t observed
it previously, mag 14.5 the text said hmmmm… hardly a bright object but well
with ‘scope’ excuse the pun.
OK target object decided upon, I went indoors for my evening
meal and got back into the obsy around 20.00. I got the scope aligned on Altair,
focus was out I tweaked that, so was collimation, I tweaked that, but really
another pair of hands were needed so it certainly wasn’t spot on, but it would
do! The sky was hazy, certainly not a great night. I hopped to Abell 70 aka PK
38-25.1 via a couple of brighter stars, re-syncing at each stop. Another short
slew and I turned up the camera gain and dialled in 15sec exposure and there it
was, small in the 12’ x 12’ fov, a truly round and fairly faint ring nebula,
but what was that going on along one side, it looked like an edge on galaxy,
with a core considerably brighter that the shell ring nebulosity of Abell 70. I
looked up Abell 70 on the web and sure enough there was a distant back ground
galaxy designated PMN J2033-0656 that made this observation, unusual and
special. I increased the cameras exposure to my max of 20 seconds and made a
sketch, the increased time exposure pulled out the central star, tiny but sharp
it also showed up another star close to nebula that I wasn’t able to see at 15
secs. I didn’t use the usual BAA observing form to sketch and
record rather reaching for black art paper and rendering the ghostly ring and
galaxy using white watercolour pencil and blending stump.
I was delighted at this observation after anticipating a ‘soft’ option for my return,
I was back with a bang, catching a new object with an unexpected added attraction!
Boy I have missed this observing malarkey, thanks to all who have given me stick
over not observing

Pax stellarum, Dale

Do you want to know more about my interest in astronomy? If so take a look at my Website: http://www.chippingdaleobservatory.com/

Keep up to date with observations from Chippingdale Observatory by reading the Blog http://chippingdaleobservatory.com/blog/