C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) – 24 January 2015

C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) - 24 January 2015
C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) – 24 January 2015

Object Name: 2014 Q2 (Lovejoy)
Object Type: Comet
Location: Deventer, The Netherlands
Date: Januari 24, 2015
Media: Graphite pencil on white paper

Could it be any better? A nearly finished newly built telescope, clear skies after a full week of clouds, a bright comet visible from my backyard practically made for a scope this size…
I made a sketch of comet Lovejoy through my 150mm f/4 Dobsonian. At first sight I couldn’t spot the tail, but as my eyes became more and more dark adapted, a faint tail began to grow larger and larger. It remained faint but the shape was well visible: quite narrow, slightly brighter near the coma, and gradually widening towards the east. Unfortunately I did not detect the greenish color some reported. In the sketch north is up, east is left.

Clear Skies!
Roel Weijenberg

Prominence Extraordinaire! H-alpha Prominence 1-10-15

Solar Prominence - January 10, 2015
Solar Prominence – January 10, 2015


I think what I like best about solar observing is you never know what you will find going on! This large prominence at the eastern limb appeared extraordinary in its detailed and lacey appearance. Seeing was very good and at higher magnification a network of bright areas appeared, much like a picture of a neuron cell with branching filaments extending in all directions. Tilting Sun Graphics are used to denote prominence location.

Solar Prominence
h-alpha 60mm Lunt
Maui, Hawaii
0945-1020 HST (1945-2020 UT)
Black Canson paper, white & black charcoal pencil, watercolor pencil & Conte’ Crayon
Tilting Sun Graphics

Cindy (Thia ) L. Krach
Haleakala Amateur Astronomers

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Keep up the great work,

Jeremy Perez
Rich Handy
ASOD webmasters

Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy)

Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy)
Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy)

My latest sketch for your interest. As previous, 153mm OG Watec 120N+ video camera, sketched from b&w monitor onto black art paper with white Conte hard pastel, watercolour pencil and white acrylic paint.

Regards, Dale

Do you want to know more about my interest in astronomy? If so take a look at my Website: www.chippingdaleobservatory.com

Keep up to date with observations from Chippingdale Observatory by reading the Blog http://chippingdaleobservatory.com/blog/

Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy)

Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) - January 16, 2015
Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) – January 16, 2015

Nombre de objeto Lovejoy (C/2014 Q2)
Tipo de objeto:Cometa
Ubicacion: Observatorio Astronomico Orion-San Agustin del Pozo-Zamora-España
Medios: (lápiz de grafito, papel blanco ,Photosop,

Today the clear night with a north wind and cold stayed and had to take before they come clouds in the coming days to observe this comet that can already be seen with the naked eye in the constellation of Taurus and soon passed north .
Today was much better appreciated his tail and was a joy to watch is 30mm eyepiece. With 1.6º field.

Asin and all the drawing I’ve had to make split it did not fit into the eyepiece 1.6º.

Its nucleus is bright star with a magnitude of 4.0 and its tail and 3rd round long.

Vos advise that you observe when you can these days because every day and be farther from Earth.

These are the ephemeris for the remainder of the month.

Fecha AR declinacion r delta mag Elong
17 Ene 2015 03h20m30.44s +18 34′ 32.5″ 1.3054 0.5287 5.0 116.0
18 Ene 2015 03h15m12.93s +20 31′ 33.2″ 1.3032 0.5408 5.1 114.3
19 Ene 2015 03h10m06.31s +22 22′ 57.2″ 1.3012 0.5537 5.1 112.6
20 Ene 2015 03h05m10.54s +24 08′ 47.3″ 1.2993 0.5674 5.2 110.9
21 Ene 2015 03h00m25.57s +25 49′ 10.7″ 1.2976 0.5818 5.2 109.2
22 Ene 2015 02h55m51.27s +27 24′ 17.5″ 1.2961 0.5968 5.2 107.6
23 Ene 2015 02h51m27.46s +28 54′ 20.1″ 1.2948 0.6124 5.3 106.0
24 Ene 2015 02h47m13.96s +30 19′ 32.5″ 1.2936 0.6286 5.3 104.5
25 Ene 2015 02h43m10.50s +31 40′ 09.7″ 1.2926 0.6452 5.4 103.0
26 Ene 2015 02h39m16.85s +32 56′ 27.0″ 1.2918 0.6623 5.4 101.5
27 Ene 2015 02h35m32.71s +34 08′ 40.0″ 1.2912 0.6797 5.5 100.1
28 Ene 2015 02h31m57.80s +35 17′ 04.0″ 1.2907 0.6975 5.5 98.8
29 Ene 2015 02h28m31.82s +36 21′ 53.9″ 1.2905 0.7156 5.6 97.5
30 Ene 2015 02h25m14.46s +37 23′ 24.2″ 1.2904 0.7339 5.7 96.2
31 Ene 2015 02h22m05.44s +38 21′ 48.4″ 1.2904 0.7525 5.7 95.0


C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy)

Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) - January 17, 2015
Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy)
– January 17, 2015


From the looks of the ASOD webpage, Comet Q2 Lovejoy is getting the attention it deserves from observers around the globe. Some really fine sketches are here.

I did this high magnification study of the comet using my 35cm Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope under the dark, transparent skies of wintertime rural Appalachia. Even using my lowest magnification eyepiece to give the widest field of view. the head of the comet and the beginning of the ion tail and the dust tail filled the field.

The short fan shaped dust tail stretched from about PA 100° to 170° and was hard to differentiate from the coma. The longer ion tail at PA 80° was highlighted with streamers and extended outwards for several fields. The very bright pseudo-nucleus was flanked by two background stars.

The moonless night was chilly, 21°F (-6°C), so I did the sketch from field notes immediately after coming indoors. A blending stump loaded with 2B or HB graphite was used for the coma and tail with additional blending with my finger. The stars were made with an HB pencil. I tweaked the gamma when scanning and flipped the drawing during processing to give the correct image view (north up/west to the right).

I expect astrosketchers will continue to have fun with this comet–it’s a nice one.

C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy)
Twin Sugars Observatory Friars Hill, West Virginia USA
17 January 2015 0130 UT
Graphite on white paper inverted digitally


Michael Rosolina

C2014 Q2 (Lovejoy)

Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) - January 14, 2015
Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) – January 14, 2015

Hello Asodians!
After the clouds went away Comet C2014Q2 (Lovejoy) appeared glowing in the
sky! The nucleous was very bright, nearly stellar but the tail was not
visible. Not yet.
I observed from my balcony on the 7th floor…
Immediately – after placing my chair there – I went to work but had to wait
for an annoying Cirrus blanket that covered the view. It finally cleared
but before I even looked through the binos, I tried to spot it with my eyes
alone but I just couldn’t convince myself that it was visible. However, I
suspect that with excellent sky conditions the first naked eye observations
will be reported very, very soon!
I made this sketch with white pastel and blending stump on black

C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy)

C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) - January 14, 2015
C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) – January 14, 2015

Nombre de objeto

C/ 2014 Q2 Lovejoy
Tipo de objeto


Observatorio Orion -San Agustin del Pozo – Zamora – España


(lápiz de grafito, papel blanco, escaneado y invertido el color.

Esta tarde estaba medio despejado y había que aprovechar antes de que se acercaran mas las nubes y que en los prosimos días no nos dejaran observar.

Hoy prepare los bártulos para dibujar al C2014 Q2 Lovejoy y me puse sobre las 19:15 TU a observar el cometa con el 12″ primeramente su núcleo y su gran coma que tiene unos 17 minutos de arco con el ocular de 8mm ES para ver si había algo raro en su núcleo por si empiezan a salir chorros como fue en el caso del Halo Boop, que disfrutamos muchos aficionados ya en el año 1997, si ya ha pasado mucho tiempo pero yo aun recuerdo esos chorros de gas saliendo en espiral del núcleo del cometa.

Bueno en fin que no se veía nada raro a no ser por un pequeño tono azulado verdoso que parece desprenderse de su núcleo y después de captar este pequeño detalle empece a dibujar por partes el cometa empezando por su núcleo y coma y mirando aun por el 8mm ES, es una gozada estar dibujando y que el objeto no se te marche de parranda luego gracias al picgoto de Angel Caparros.

Dibujar la coma es mas o menos facil, pero otra cosa a sido su cola.

Primero tuve que cambiar de ocular para poder abarcar todo el campo que me permitiera y lo masimo lo logro con el 30mm ES – 1.6º por lo que hay que dibujar la cola por partes pues 2.6º de cola es mucha cola para este ocular y este telescopio de 12″ F4.8.

Primero estoy un rato moviendo el tubo en altura para arriba y para abajo pera ver mejor hasta donde llega la salida de la cola y me refiero a su anchura pegando al cometa.

Los detalles son muy sutiles por lo que antes de plasmar algo en el papel hay que asegurarse desde donde a donde llega esa cola a su salida del núcleo y asín lo tuve que hacer durante 3 veces hasta conseguir plasmar toda su cola.

He de decir que los detalles son muy sutiles y hay que estar mas de 2 minutos observando detenidamente para que esos pocos fotones de luz se queden en el cerebro para luego plasmar eso en el papel.

Cuando he terminado me doy cuenta que el cometa se ha movido unos 5 minutos de arco desde que empece el dibujo, osea que mas o menos he estado con el 1 hora.

El cometa esta en Mg 4.0 viéndose perfectamente a simple vista desde mi observatorio que la calidad del cielo ronda la Mg 6 en visual.

Parece que hoy he tenido mucha suerte ya que terminado de plasmar el cometa en el papel ya empezaron a meterse nubes.

Como veréis el cometa esta dibujado sobre una carta estelar del GUIDE 9.0 pues no me gusta dibujar tanta estrella cuando lo que quiero es plasmar un cometa.

Espero que vos guste.


Attachments area

Google translate:

Object Name

   C / 2014 Q2 Lovejoy
Object Type


  Orion Observatory -San Agustin del Pozo – Zamora – Spain


(graphite pencil, white paper, scanned and inverted color.

This afternoon was half cleared and had to take before they come out more clouds and in the days Forthcoming not let us observe.

Today prepare gear for drawing the C2014 Q2 Lovejoy and got about 19:15 TU to observe the comet with 12 “first nucleus and large eat has about 17 arcmin with ES 8mm eyepiece to see if there was something strange in your kernel if they start out jets as was in the case of Halo Boop, who enjoyed many fans already in 1997, if it has been a long time but I still remember those gas jets out spiral core comet.

Well in order not seen nothing unusual except for a small greenish blue tint that appears from its core and then to capture this small detail parts started to draw by starting the comet nucleus and coma and looking even by 8mm it is a joy to be drawing the object and do not leave out partying then thanks to picgoto Angel Caparros.

Draw the comma is more or less easy, but otherwise been his tail.

First I had to change eye to cover the whole field to allow me and masimo I succeed with 30mm ES – 1.6º so you have to draw the line for parts as 2.6º tail is long queue for this eye and this 12 “telescope F4.8.

First I’m a bit by moving the tube height up and down pear see better far off the tail comes and I mean width hitting the comet.

The details are very subtle so before translating something on paper make sure from where to where that queue reaches its core outlet and asynchronous I had to do for 3 times until capture all his tail.

I have to say that the details are very subtle and we must be more than two minutes watching carefully for those few photons of light left in the brain and then translate that into the paper.

When I’m done I realize that the comet has moved about 5 arcmin since I started drawing, I mean that more or less have been with the 1 hour.

The comet was added to 4.0 Mg looking perfectly at first sight from my observatory sky quality round the Mg 6 in visual.

It seems that today I have been very lucky as finished translating the comet on paper already started to get cloudy.

As you will see the comet is drawn on a star chart GUIDE 9.0 because I do not like to draw so many stars when what I want is to capture a comet.

I hope you like it.


Attachments area

Lovejoy for Charlie

Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) - January 11, 2015
Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) – January 11, 2015
Michel's fellow observers on the night of January 11, 2015
Michel’s fellow observers on the night of January 11, 2015

Object Name (C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy)
Object Type (Comet in Eridan)
Location (Verdon river in France)
Date (Jan. 11th 2015)
Media (watercolor on white paper, inverted after scan via paint.net)

During the “Charlie Hebdo” event we had to keep the pencil in hand, to prove that life goes on and is beautiful and that cretinism can’t win, ever. Today, poverty of spirit associated with force no longer have a voice in civilized countries !

The Lovejoy expedition.

Four of my good friends astronomers propose to come and enjoy the dark sky of the region. Appointment is made on 8 January in the early evening. The day before I found a good ground for observing this beautiful comet without too many trees in the view. Near the small village of Saint-Laurent, a platform overlooking the north side of the Lake of Artignosc on the Verdon river. First I will make some sketches and (yes I know… sorry guys) photographs of the landscape and material that will serve my watercolor the day after.

The photo of the sky taken on Jan. the 7th (Pentax K50 3.5 – 3sec 25600 ISO -18mm) shows the comet as a brillant green star equivalent magnitude to Pi ORI +/- 4.0. But I’m not here to make photo ! it just allow me to position the stars on the sky background on my future painting.
The evening of Jan. 8th everyone is there, my friends Vincent, Antoine, Yvan and Jean-Bernard, made the trip from Brignoles, La Garde, Forcalqueiret and Salon. It’s cold, the wind and the news from Paris make us shiver.

The comet is visible to the unaided eye, even in direct vision. During the previous night, a tail departure was barely noticeable in my Dobson 12ˮ f 5. Today we are three of us observing a double tail, a very short first part is attached to the hair while another, a sort of fine filament spreading further.
It was extremely difficult to see that tail, face this huge ball of light that is the coma of Comet Lovejoy.
Through a set of 2ˮ filters provided by Vincent (CLS, OIII, UHC) we got to see something other than the coma. This is strangely due to the CLS filter that we have been able to detect some clarity in front of the dark sky. We had to get the coma out of the eyepiece to discern the low-contrast gradient between the black sky and the thin clouds of the tail. We are here at the border of the possibilities for the vision.

Dobson used was a 12ˮ f/d 5 and 2ˮ eyepieces Meade 24mm to Omegon 38mm, UWA. We deployed 80mm and 150mm refractors as well as quality binoculars: Echo and Swarovski.

The watercolor shows our group gathered for this “Lovejoy expedition” after two hours of dense observation.

So the final watercolor shows the views of the sky the day before, a view of the Dobson and -with a flash- portraits taken by the Vincent’s camera.

Observing is also meeting us for the same vibration, the same enthusiasm, and that night it was … it was … there was … something strong in the air!


Michel Deconinck