Alnitak Region

IC 434, Barnard 33, NGC 2023, NGC 2024
IC 434, Barnard 33, NGC 2023, NGC 2024

Dear ASOD folks,

Here’s a nice sketch I managed to do roughly a month ago.

Objects: IC 434, Barnard 33, NGC 2023, NGC 2024
Object type: various kinds of nebulae (dark, reflection & emission)
Location: Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma, Spain
Date: 12.3.2012
Media: graphite pencil on white paper, inverted on a computer

This sketch was done under the nice La Palman NELM 7.0 sky using a Tokina 300mm f/2.8 photographic lens. With a eyepiece adapter this lens makes a nice roughly 10cm rich field telescope. I decided to take a glimpse at the Alnitak region in Orion to see if there was any chance to see IC 434. Using a H-beta filter indeed revealed the nebula, which complemented nicely the brighter NGC nebulae in the same field.

More careful observation revealed something unexpected to me. There was a round notch in the relatively sharp east edge of the IC 434 precisely at the location of the Horsehead nebula. Cross checking this feature with friends confirmed it to be real. Being able to see the Horsehead nebula with only a 10cm telescope was really stunning. After all, I had grown up always hearing that seeing it requires at least a medium large telescope. This was truly a lesson that aperture isn’t the last word when observing deep sky.

The sketch is a combination of two simultaneous views of the same field. IC 434 and Barnard 33 were drawn with a H-beta filter whereas NGC 2023 and 2024 were drawn unfiltered.

Best regards,
Jyri Lehtinen

Thor’s Helmet

NGC 2359
NGC 2359

Object Name:NGC 2359 Thor’s Helmet
Object Type: Bright Nebula
Location: Pozzaglia (Italy)
Date: 25 Feb 2012
Media: Graphite on White paper, digitalized and inverted sketch

Dobson Meade LB 12″ F5
Eyepiece: Hyperion 24mm & Explorer Scientific 14mm
Filters: UHC-S (Baader) , O-III (Astronomik)
Mag.Limit: 5.7
Seeing: 3-4 / 5 Antoniadi
Stellar Field with UHC-S Filter and in Integral Light
Nebula with O-III Filter

Clear Skies To everyone!

The Orion Nebula

Messier 42 and 43
Messier 42 and 43


I recently discovered Astronomy Sketch of the Day, and since I just started sketching I wanted to share my Orion Nebula sketch.

This is M42 and M43 in the constellation of Orion.
Diffuse nebula
Sketch was done in Plattsburgh, NY
Done on February 19, 2012
Large sketch pad, 2H pencil for the stars and Charcoal 557-6B ex. soft for the nebula itself, used a smudge stick to fan out the nebula. Scanned into computer and smoothed out with Gimp to remove the paper texture and round out the stars.

Used a Celestron Omni XLT 150 Reflector with a 25mm eyepiece giving me 30x magnification.
Very clear skies, 4/5 transparency, 2/5 seeing, 30°F.

-Mike Rector

Orion Nebula and Surroundings

Messier 42
Messier 42
Messier 42
Messier 42 - Inverted

Dear Asod,

I send you here my sketch about M42 and NGC1981.
The Orion Nebula was one of the first things I have ever sketched and observed and this is still one of my favourites. When observing it in a full view NGC1981 is visible within the same FoV, a small but nicely shaping open cluster. I thought I will leave out the FoV and just sketch as it is, so the whole drawing in length is approximately 2°.
Equipment used: 130/650 SW, 26x
Media: graphite pencil on white paper (Photoshop to invert)
Observing date: 25th January 2012, UT: 22:30
Place: Hungary, Budapest

Clear skies,

Messier 42

Messier 42 and 43
Messier 42 and 43

Object Type: Bright Nebula
Location: Campo Felice (Italy)
Date: 26 Novembre 2011
Media: Graphite and colored pencil on White paper, digitalized and inverted sketch

Dobson Meade LB 12″ F5
Eyepiece: Hyperion 24mm & Hyperion 13mm
Filters: UHC-S (Baader) , O-III (Astronomik) , H-BETA (Astronomik).
Mag.Limit: 6.3
Seeing: 3/5 Antoniadi

Clear Skies To everyone!


The Wings of M42

Messier 42
Messier 42


This is my first sketch presented online. I’m not experienced with drawing but this is my third sketch of Orion nebula! I needed 90 minutes for the drawing and it was really cold about -6°C. The transparency was really good that evening for my observation point with a magnitude of 5m3.

I used a Newton 150/750mm with OIII-Filter. The magnification is 100* and the field of view is 0,52°.

Object: Orion Nebula (M42 & M43)
Type: Emission nebula
Location: West-Germany (south-Ruhrgebiet)
Date: 27.12.08
Media: graphite pencil on white paper – digitally inverted

Greetings from Germany!!

PS: great site I discoverd it only some weeks ago!

Barnard’s Merope Nebula

IC 349
IC 349

I have thaught it would be useful for ASOD members to have a sketch of this very little nebula, hidden in the light of Merope. It is very difficult to see, unless the seeing is very good, and it was the case.

IC 349, bright nebula
RA: 03h 47m 05s
Dec: 23° 58’ 40”N
magnitude: ?
Constellation: Taurus

date of observation: 2011 11 23 23h08 UT
length of observation: 77 minutes
Object position: Alt: 70°, Az: 173°
Observing conditions: SQMZ 21.41, mvlon (UMi) 6.4, FWMH 1.0” very good
Instrument: Dobson Obsession 635mm, F/D 5
Eyepiece: Nagler 3.5mm
Power: 890x

Sketch and final drawing with Paint Shop Pro and Star Spikes Pro

Much more details on
