M20 (BN/DN in Sgr)
Location : Mt. Bo-Hyun, South Korea (1,100M)
Date : May/27/2012
Media : Black paper, White Pastel / Conte
Equipment : Discovery 15″ Dob, Pentax XL 14mm
Hi. ASOD and everyone.
Last May, the latitude of the M20 is enough than I think. So I observe the Trifid nebula. The most distinctive appearance is the asymmetric three-pronged dark lane and the two fuzzy star located in the middle of the nebula.
Media: Black Cardboard with white Charcoal Lead Pencil
Im Shadi from a little town of Iran and I have pretty good conditions for observing!!! I can almost Observe most of Messier Objects and NGCs with my little 80 mm refractor telescope!
Object Name: M 8 (NGC 6523) and NGC 6530
Location: RA 18h 04m 30.7s Dec -24 º 22 ’51 ”
Type: Emission Nebula+Open Cluster.
Constellation: Sagittarius.
Bonilla.Cuenca. SPAIN
Date: July 20, 2012
Material used: graphite pencil on white paper. Inverted image and processed with Photoshop.
Telescope: Celestron S/C 8″ Mount Cgt5
Eyepiece: 31 mm Hyperion Aspheric + UHC filter. Magnification 65x
Conditions: NEML 5’64 (Chart 14 Cyg). Temperature 18ºC
Emission nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia, 23h 20.7m, +61°12´, 15´x8´
Distance: ~11 kly, apparent magnitude: ~10.
Erika Rix – Liberty Hill, Texas
16” Zhumell reflector f/4.5 on a non-tracking Dobsonian mount, Baader Planetarium Hyperion 8-24mm Mark III (75-225x magnification)
Discovered in 1787 by William Herschel, this emission nebula lies SW of open cluster M52 and west of open cluster Czernik 43. It lies at heart of 8th magnitude star TYC4279-1582-1 where two imaginary lines form a cross-shaped star pattern with 7th magnitude HIP115198 at the top (southwest), TYC4279-930-1 (northeast), TYC4279-381-1 (southeast), and TYC4279-1203-1 (northwest).
75x magnification: At first glance, the 7th magnitude star to the SW drowned out any nebulosity of NGC7635. My only certainty that I was in the right area was by knowing the star pattern and where NGC7635 was located within it. The use of an OIII filter brought out a faint, clear circular glow around the 8th magnitude star.
225x magnification: Without the OIII, there was a faint circular glow with no definitive structure. With the OIII and adverted vision, the nebula was elongated north to south and extended more to the NW with some darkened areas within it. The edges were diffuse.
Sketches created with AL template, #2 graphite pencil, loaded blending stump with charcoal, super-fine Faber-Castell Pitt artist pen “S”, 0.5mm mechanical pencil.
I send you “the great nebula in Orion”, M. 42, restaurated from my org. watercolorcrayon
org. sketch to a pencil and pen on white paper (inverted). Info on the sketch!
This is the most beautiful D.S- object seen from Trondheim, Norway.
I used a medium power on my scope to observ the central part with the four “Trapezium- stars”.
Hope you like the sketch!
I made a marathon sketch in the past month; I drew the M24 and the environment. It was very hard work, but it is also interesting. In the drawing are visible these objects: M24 star-cloud, NGC6603 the popular open cluster in M24, M18 open cluster, M17 Omega nebula, NGC6561 diffuse nebula, Ic1283 diffuse nebula, NGC6589 open cluster, Sharpless-35 diffuse nebula and Barnard 92-93 dark nebulae. My next target of the Scutum star-cloud… 🙂
Observation time: 2012 July-August (a lot of nights)
Equipment used: 10X50 binoculars
Field of view: 6° (360′)
Location: Nagyvarsány/Hungary
Observer: Viktor Cseh
Object Name:M17 Swan Nebula
Object Type: Bright Nebula
Location: Campo Felice (Italy)
Date: 27 July 2012
Media: Graphite on White paper, digitalized and inverted sketch
Dobson Meade LB 12″ F5
Eyepiece: Explorer Scientific 8,8mm
Filters: UHC-S (Baader) , O-III (Astronomik)
Mag.Limit: 6,4
Seeing: 5 / 5 Antoniadi
Stellar Field with UHC-S Filter and in Integral Light
Nebula with O-III Filter
Object Name: Messier 8, Lagoon Nebula
Object Type: Emission nebula
Location: Wilp, The Netherlands
Date: July 21, 2012
Media: Black pen and graphite pencil on white paper
After literally weeks of rainfall and clouds, last night the sky finally cleared. I took my little 80mm f/6,25 refractor out to a fairly dark site to observe some low Milky Way objects. In the Netherlands Messier 8 rises only 14 degrees above the southern horizon, but because of the very transparant sky much more detail than I expected was visible. Using an Orion Ultrablock filter the dark lane was pretty prominent, and the bright patch on the western side of the nebula appeared to glow. It was a wonderful sight at 38x (13mm Vixen LVW), even at its low altitude.
The sketch was made with a black pen (for the stars) and a 2H graphite pencil (for the nebulosity) on a piece of white paper. Inverted and orientation-flip using Photoshop.
Object name: Orion Nebula Region
Object Type: Emission Nebulae
Location: Home Driveway
Date(s): 10/8/11 (for left field), 11/23/11 (for right field)
Media: Graphite pencils (varying hardness), black gel pen, blending stumps
Additional Information:
I used my 10″ Orion Intelliscope for these depictions, which were both sketches that were originally done separately, but then later combined into one stitched field.The seeing conditions for both depictions were extremely good, as well as transparency. In the future I may also add additional fields to further-expand the view and area. The nebulae also appeared to have a bluish-greenish tint, which was added in post-processing of the scanned image. The most exciting aspect of these observations were probably the fact that I was peering right into a stellar nursery, a place that stars are beginning their lives. I kept thinking to myself, “if only I had a larger telescope…”