Messier 48

Messier 48
Messier 48

Hi ASOD. My name is Renato Trono Figueras. I’m 15 years old. I’m from Lincoln, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Object Name: M48

Object Type: Open Cluster

Location: Lincoln, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Date: 01/03/2015

Media: Graphite Pencil- 2H, 4H, HB, 2B and 4B- PS

Telescope: Celestron 114mm/900mm

Eyepiece: SP 32mm

Seeing: Regular

Transparency: Regular

Weather: Clear

I hope you post my sketch soon. Thanks you very much!

Regards & Nice Skys

El Joyero Bajo la Luna

El Joyero
El Joyero

Este es el segundo dibujo que hago de este cúmulo abierto. Decidí volver a retratarlo bajo condiciones distintas de observación, esta vez había Luna llena y la idea es comparar ambas condiciones de observación. El seeing no era muy bueno, la atmósfera presentaba turbulencias que desenfocaban la imagen por momentos.

El dibujo fue realizado con papel y lápiz, posteriormente procesado en Photoshop para invertir los colores y simular el efecto de resplandor que genera la luna en el cielo. Además agregué algo de color a las estrellas, tal como las veo a través del ocular (huygens 25mm), pero los colores se atenuaron un poco al fusionar una capa celeste para dar el tono de luz de Luna al fondo. En realidad deberían verse los azules y el rojo de la estrella central más vivos. El equipo que utilicé para realizar el sketch es un telescopio reflector marca Helios, de 114mm de apertura y 900mm de distancia focal. El dibujo fue realizado desde Pergamino, Buenos Aires.

Spanish-English Translation via Google Translate

This is the second drawing I do this open cluster. I decided to portray under different viewing conditions, this time there was full moon and the idea is to compare both conditions of observation. The seeing was not very good, the atmosphere had desenfocaban image turbulence at times.

The drawing was done with paper and pencil, then processed in Photoshop to invert the colors and simulate the glow effect generated by the moon in the sky. Also I added some color to the stars, as I see through the eyepiece (huygens 25mm), but the colors are dimmed a little by fusing a celestial layer to set the tone of moonlight in the background. Actually should be blue and red brighter central star. The team I used to do the sketch is a reflector telescope Helios brand, 114mm aperture and 900mm focal length. The drawing was made from Parchment, Buenos Aires.

Southern Gems

NGC3293 - Gem Cluster
NGC3293 – Gem Cluster

Object Name: NGC3293 – Gem Cluster
Object Type: Open Cluster
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: 02/24/15
Media: HB, 2H, 3H. pencil rubber, color pastels, Photoshop.
Telescope: SkyWatcher Maksutov 5″.
Eyepiece: Explore Scientific 14mm 82º (107x).
Conditions: Poor seeing, heavy light pollution.
Observations: Young and compact open cluster in Carina. Lots of unresolved double stars.

Open Cluster NCG 2477

NCG 2477
NCG 2477

Object Name: NGC 2477.
Object Type: Open Cluster.
Location: San Miguel, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Conditions: Good transparency, bad seeing.
Date: 18/02/15.
Media: 2B, 2H, HB, blend and PS.
Telescope: Meade LB 12″ on equatorial tracking platform.
Eyepiece: BST Explorer 18mm (x84) .

One of the best open clusters of the sky and my all time favorite!

A Vision of the Past

NGC 2516
NGC 2516

Hi ASOD. My name is Renato Trono Figueras. I’m 15 years old. I’m from Lincoln, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Object Name: NGC 2516/ C96

Object type: Open Cluster

Location: A rural village called “El Triunfo”, Argentina.

Date: 22/01/2015

Media: Digital Tools

Telescope: Celestron Powerseeker 114mm/900mm – 4.5″

Eyepiece: SP 32mm

Seeing: Excellent

Transparency: Excellent

Weather: Clear

I hope you post my sketch soon. Thanks you very much!

Regards & Good Luck

Doble Cúmulo de Perseo The Double Cluster in Perseus

The Perseus Double Cluster  two large open clusters in the constellation Perseus
The Perseus Double Cluster two large open clusters in the constellation Perseus

***Please click on sketch for full size image***

Object Name: NGC 869 and NGC 884 “Double Cluster The Perseo”
Object type : Open Clusters
Location : Zone Observatory AAM Bonilla-Spain
Date: Part 1: 2 hours 25 October 2014. Part 2: 2h January 10, 2015

New 10 ” TFOV 2º x 3.2 ° 40x SQM 21.3

With the GIMP and inverted color and have given color to any star.

Pleasant evening with cold and good company.

Salud y buenos cielos.
