Here, out of the oven, my new sketch of the open cluster “jewel box”, the NGC4755, also known as Kappa Crucis.
This open cluster is located in the constellation of the cruise, or crux, a few arcminutes of the star beta Crucis.
The NGC4755 has a magnitude of 4.3 is to 7,600 light years from the sun and has an angular size of 10 arc minutes.
It is visible to the naked eye, easily viewed with a 10×50 binoculars.
It’s a pretty crowded and is a champion of the star party audience that occur below 25 ° south latitude.
Object data:
Object name: “jewel box”, the NGC4755, also known as Kappa Crucis;
Object type: Open cluster . This open cluster is located in the constellation of the cruise, or crux, a few arcminutes of the star beta Crucis;
Location: Tuiuti city, São Paulo , Brasil;
Date: 28Jul11 22:00h local , 01:00 UTC 29Jul11;
Media: The draft was done using pencil Staedtler Mars lumograph H, HB, B, 2B, 4B, 6B and 8B. Canson 120g/cm3 white paper, with reversed colors in GIMP software.
Telescope reflector 10 inch, f4.7, dobsonian GSO, eyepiece 15mm superview (afov 68°) GSO, finderscope 8×50 erector prism GSO.
22° C , seeing good, light wind, little light pollution to the east, no moon
Guilherme de Andrade
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