Artistic Quasar

Artistic representation of a quasar
Artistic representation of a quasar

Description:. “In the forum in which I participate, we made a contest of artistic drawing astronomical Here, drawing a part QUASAR with most steps below.


Dither No.4
Dither No. 6
Pencil 2B
The digitization was done with Photoshop. Details were highlighted, the colors changed, and a Hubble image background is added, to give a more realistic touch. ”

Hernan “Moska” Garcia

Manager Deep Space – Astronomy Forum Argentino

Descripcion: “En el foro en el cual participio, hicimos un concurso de dibujo astronomico artistico. En este caso, participe dibujando un QUASAR, el cual paso a mostarles a continuacion.


Difumino N°4
Difumino N°6
Lapiz 2B
La digitalizacion se realizo con Photoshop. Se resaltaron detalles, se cambio los colores, y se agrego una imagen del Hubble de fondo, para darle un toque mas realista.”

First Quarter Moon

First Quarter Moon
First Quarter Moon

Object Name: First Quarter Moon
Object Type: abstract interpretive sketch of prominent lunar features
Location: Oberlin, Ohio
Date: August-September 2013
Media: Sharpie, ball-point pen, and colored pencil on white paper

As this is the latest addition to my series of abstract astronomy-themed drawings (see more here:, I used a bit of artistic license in interpreting the lunar features that are shown. Still, I did my best to reference the moon’s actual geography.

The Sea of Rains is the central focus. Framing the craters Archimedes, Aristillus, Autolycus, and Cassini, this ancient volcanic plain is edged from south to north by the Appenine and Caucasus mountains, and capped by the “Alpine Valley.” The northern Mare Frigoris (Sea of Cold) bleeds around the crater Aristotle and into the lakes of Death and Dreams, finally bringing the eye to rest on a Sea of Serenity at lower right. Yes…it’s easy to get carried away by such tantalizing names! Exploring the lunar surface can feel like wandering through a poem…

Planets of a Red Dwarf Star

Object Name: Gliese 581 g
Object Type: Exoplanet
Location: Lith, the Netherlands
Date: 14-5-2011
Media: Photoshop CS5

More than 20 light years away lies a perfectly normal star. It is a red dwarf called Gliese 581. The mass of this star is 0.33 times that of the Sun, and 0.002 times the luminosity. At first sight, no agreements with our star you might think.
Imagine yourself being in a spaceship towards this star. When we approach Gliese 581, we see six bright dots that rotate around her. These dots are planets, and some of them may contain life.

We now focus on Gliese 581 g. This is the sixth planet in this system. Gliese 581 g has a mass of 3 to 4 times that of Earth, and is 30 to 40% larger. This is probably a rocky planet with enough gravity to hold an atmosphere.
One rotation of the planet around its own axis takes as long as one rotation around its star: a little less than 37 days. This means that one side of the planet is constantly turned to its star (like the Moon orbits the Earth).

This Digital Impression is made in Photoshop CS5. It is the first time I’ve done this, but certainly not the last time. Thanks for watching!

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