Since I exchanged Belgium for Sweden last year, I am faced with lack of astronomical darkness since mid april. Astronomical darkness (sun below 18 degrees of horizon) will only return end of august. Therefore I will be concentrating drawing more suns and moons instead of deepsky. The positive side to this is that in Winter time it ‘s astronomical dark at 5.30PM already 🙂
I have used my 21 years old TeleVue 101 SDF apochromate refractor, teamed with an (also old) Daystar 0.7Ã… h-alfa filter. A Barlow is needed to reach the required f/30 focal length. I am using a TeleVue alt-az Gibraltar mount.
I have added a picture to show the observation location. I have reached SQM 21.6 a number of times already.
Hope you like it.
best regards
Erik van Woerkens