C/2007 N3 (Lulin) at Opposition

Comet Lulin

C/2007 N3 (Lulin) at Opposition
Sketch and Details by Michael Rosolina


I would like to add this observation of Comet Lulin to the growing collection of fine Lulin sketches here on ASOD.

This sketch was made at opposition so the ion tail which streams directly away from the Sun is hidden behind the coma surrounding the comet’s nucleus. The dust tail was quite prominent in the moonless sky.

One of the most remarkable things about Comet Lulin was its rapid movement across the night sky. According to Sky & Telescope Magazine’s website, Lulin was crossing one arcminute of sky every five minutes of time when I made my observation. I marked its position at the start of my observation and one can see how far it had traveled by the time I made my sketch.

The sketch was done in the field with HB and 2B pencils and a blending stump and later inverted digitally.

C/2007 N3 (Lulin)
Friars Hill, West Virginia USA
25 February 2009

Lulin at it’s Nearest Approach

Lulin at it’s nearest

Lulin at it’s Closest Approach
Sketch and Details by Juan Perez (Juanchin)

Object – C/2007 N3 Lulin
Date – February 24, 2009
Time – 12:25 am LST 07:25UT
Location – Wittmann, Arizona USA
Instrument- Orion 25×100 binoculars 2.5 FoV
Detector – Visual Observation
Magnitude- ~5.5
Weather – partially cloudy;moderate winds;temp-mid to low 50’s

Comments- This had to be one of my most exciting nights out in the dark. I knew the comet was going to be looking its best during this time period so, I packed my pad, pencils,tripod,binos,etc. and decided to scout a darker site than my ususal backyard here in El Mirage. Driving west from here on US 60, leads to Wittmann. A small town with dusty roads that sits behind the White Tanks mountain range. The mountains provide some cover from the city glow( Phoenix) and the town is not sprinkled with too much artificial light.

Immediately, I went to work but had to wait for an annoying Cirrus blanket that covered the view. It finally cleared but before I even looked through the binos, I wanted to spot it with my eyes alone. It didn’t take long, it was situated South-southwest from Sigma Leonis (mag. 4). Looking through the pair of optics, the comet was glowing in many ways. For a few intervals of my best viewing, I was able to discern that light greenish tint from the coma. The nucleus was well pronounced in brilliancy and also the antitail was there for effect. I was not able to see the gas tail since some of the wispy clouds took away some of the details from view.

I didn’t get to polish and finalize this sketch until now since my brother flew in from Chicago, IL. He came here to see the comet for himself and now has some stories to tell his friends. I’m sure he’ll tell them they can see it for themselves the next time it swings around us but, they’ll have to wait a thousand years for it to return if it ever comes back. I’m sure he’ll tell them to log unto ASOD and take a look at what they missed.

Lulin Spooks the Hive

Comet Lulin

Conjunction of Comet C/2007 N3 (Lulin) with M44, The Bee Hive
Sketch and Details by Jeff Young

The moon is taking a massive toll on Lulin’s visibility (and particularly its tail), but it still made for a nice composition with the Beehive.

C/2007 N3 (Lulin) and M44 (Praesepe or the Beehive)

Sketched Mar 5, 2009 from County Louth, Ireland,

as viewed through Nikon 18×70 binoculars; NELM 4

Daler-Rowney HB Graphic pencil on white cartridge paper. Scanned and inverted in Photoshop.

— Jeff.

Lulin Above Skawina City

Comet Lulin

Hello again.
This is my latest sketch. I drew it form the town center where there is a quite big light pollution.
At that time I didn’t see the comet tail. The most amazing thing was how fast it was moving across the night sky.

Object Name:
* Object Type (Comet)
* Location (Skawina City in Poland)
* Date (01 February 2009)
* Equipment: Synta 8” Dob, Eyepice SP25 mm.

Krzysztof Jastrzebski (Jarzbi)

Comet Lulin Movin’ Out

Comet Lulin

Comet C/2007 N3 Lulin
Sketch and Details by Frank McCabe

C/2007 N3 (Lulin)

I got my first “good look” tonight of our bright visitor after moonset and none too soon as the comet and earth distance begin to increase. I made a quick graphite sketch under the starry canopy. I was out observing the moon from twilight until moonset. That allowed the comet time to reach nearly 58 degrees in altitude before I turned my attention to Lulin.
Here is my (inverted graphite) sketch

C/2007 N3 (Lulin)
March 1, 2009 4:30-5:00 UT
Magnitude: aprox. 6.2
Transparency: 4/5
Seeing: 8/10
Wind speed: 15 mph
Temp.: -6C (22F)
Telescope: 108mm f/6 with 24mm eyepiece 27x

Frank McCabe

Two Lords of the Heavens

Comet Lulin

Comet C/2007 N3 (Lulin) and Saturn
Sketch and Details by Leonor Ana Hernández


The medium used: graphite pencil.
Negative image.

The equipment used: 12×80 Binoculars (Field 4,2º)

Date: 23-02-2009
Place: Cuerva (Toledo, Spain)

The night was explendid, clear and cold (1º C).
The Sky Quality Meter (SQM-L) shows 21,17 mag/seg arc^2

The comet and Saturn was in the same field of view, separated 2º aproximately. At 23:30 TU the coma was located between the stars HIP55574 and HIP55467 of Leo. The coma´s diameter fills the space between them completelly.
The tail was wide close to the coma but very thin at the end.
Quite visible and noticeable. The tail points to 80 Leonis and exceeds it with averted vision.
The nucleous was intense but not a like-star.
Saturn was fantastic with a pale yellow light and the thin ring that crosses the planet, like a cutter line. And Titan very close…

Unforgetable night!


Leonor Ana Hernández

Webmaster’s note: ASOD will be featuring Comet 2007 N3 (Lulin) sketches for severals days due to the number of extraordinary sketches we’ve recently received.

Opportunity Stalking

Lulin 022509

C/2007 N3 Lulin on February 25th, 2009

Sketch and Details by Jeff Young

After striking out for nearly a week running, a comment on one of the Irish boards got me to thinking. The gentleman was describing driving home and pulling over to get the binos out when a partial clearing presented itself. It finally dawned on me that I needed a more opportunistic approach to deal with my constant cloud cover. Checking two or three times a night to see if it was clear out wasn’t doing the job.

So I duly set up my p-mount & binos in a south-facing window, pulled up a chair, set my sketching stuff on the window cill, and sat down to wait.

Over the next hour and a half I was rewarded with 3 spells of pretty good clarity and 4 or 5 spells viewing through high thin clouds. Lulin was easy naked eye during the clarity (although it appeared stellar — no coma visible), and I’d estimate its brightness at better than mag 5.

I was able to work on some of the brighter field stars even through the high clouds, although I never got enough clear spells to plot all the dimmer ones (I worked mostly on the comet itself during them). The time listed on the sketch is when I plotted the comet’s position relative to the field stars. I was working on the sketch from about 23:20 to 0:10.

C/2007 N3 Lulin

Comet (currently in Leo)

Sketched Feb 25, 2009 from County Louth, Ireland,

as viewed through Nikon 18×70 binoculars; NELM 5

Daler-Rowney HB Graphic pencil on white cartridge paper. Scanned and inverted in Photoshop.


— Jeff.

Comet Lulin Meets Saturn

Saturn and Lulin

Comet C/2007 N3 (Lulin) and Saturn Conjunction
Sketch and Details by Jef De Wit

First my big appreciation for the website. I was a fan of APOD for years and discoverd ASOD only two month ago. Even the members of my astroclub specialised in sketching didn’t know of the website! I try to motivate them to send some of their best pictures, but I think I have to give the example first. I hope you like mine sketch.

The weather in Belgium was (and is still) very bad. I tried to see Lulin for several nights without any result. The 24th this month there was a brief opening around 3.30 (local time) in the clouds for about 20 minutes. I was on holiday and had only my binocular (7x50mm) with me. The observation was made from a balcony on the 10th floor. I had to lean – not without any danger – over the realing to see the comet, so I couldn’t install my tripod. To bad, because the binocular handheld there were no details vissible. The comet was a round, uniform spot in the sky. But that doesn’t matter, the conjunction with Saturn was a beautiful sight. I made a sketch and went outside in the hope to install the tripod. But the time I arrived downstairs the clouds were again omnipresent.

Object name: C/2007 N3 (Lulin)
Object type: comet
Location: Oostende (51° North 3° East, Belgium)
Date and time: 24 februari 2009 2.30 UT
Instrument: handheld binocular 7 x 50 mm
Medium: graphite pencil (2B and 8B) on white printing paper, scanned and colours inverted

Bye (and sorry for my English)
Jef De Wit

Comet Over the Snow

Comet Lulin

Comet Lulin (C/2007 N3)
Sketch and Details by Giorgio Bonacorsi

Hello Astronomy sketchers,all o.k.? After bad weather month, finally i take Lulin with big bino 25×100.The snow down my feets make a sound like “krok”! The night was very freezly,the light icely wind passed over my face,but the sky was dark and clear,normal situation in winter.I take my big bino on wood’s tripod and made that sketch.Beautyfull vision, the comet was very bright, with tail and anti tail visible with difficulty.
I sent you the information about this.

Site:Pergola,Italy 16 February 2009
Time:01,05 a.m.
Instrument:Big bino Astrotech 25×100
Temperature:Ice,little wind.

Thanks for all,clear sky,Giorgio Bonacorsi.