A Real Treat: C/2009 R1 (McNaught)

C/2009 R1 (McNaught)
C/2009 R1 (McNaught) at 75X
By David Antao

Nom de l’objet : C2009R1 Mc Naught
Type de l’objet : Comète
Magnitude : 9.2
Lieu : Fayssac (Tarn) France
Date : le 21 mai 2010
Médias : Crayon à papier sur feuille à dessin, puis scan et négatif.

Bonjour à tous,

Je me suis levé cette nuit à 3h30 du mat, pour pouvoir jeter un œil sur cette comète qui arrive ( C2009R1 Mc Naught ).
Je l’ai trouvé très facilement ( je m’attendais à voir quelque chose de faible ). Elle est assez brillante déjà et même assez grosse. Elle ressemble beaucoup à Holmes pour l’instant. Cela laisse espérer de belle observation à venir !
Pour l’instant elle est à Mag 9.2 et elle arrivera jusqu’à la Mag 4.6 prévus ( C’est-à-dire plus de 50 fois + brillante quand ce moment ). Et avec peut-être des sursauts ? Et une queue ?
Un vrai régal !

A très bientôt

Object name : C2009R1 Mc Naught
Object Type : Comet
Mag: 9.2
Location: Fayssac (Tarn) France
Date: May 21, 2010
Media: Pencil to paper on leaf to drawing, then scan and negative.

Hello to you all,

I got up this morning at 3.30 to have a look for this comet that arrived( C2009R1 Mc Naught ) I found it very easily
(I expected to see something weak) It is quiet bright and big. For a moment it looked like Holmes. It will be a very impressive observation. At the moment the comet is at Mag 9.2 and will arrive till Mag 9.2 as foreseen.( So more then 50 times and bright)
And perhaps with some jumps? And a tail?

A real treat!

See you soon,


C/2009 R1 (McNaught) Close
C/2009 R1 (McNaught) at 231X
By David Antao

Comet Tuttle and Messier 33

Comet Tuttle and M33
Comet Tuttle and Messier 33
Sketch and Details by Giorgio Bonacorsi

Hi,astronomy lovers,how are you? I’m fine now, i sent you the last sketches of Tuttle, realized behind my house with binocular 16×80. I have realized this in three time: first the comet and stars around Tuttle, second the stars in the central of view, third M33 and the stars around them.
The temperature are very icy,but the sky are fantastic!
Good year and clear sky.
Ciao, Giorgio.

Gazing at Swan

We are in another long stretch of cloudy weather here in the Appalachian Mountcentins, so here is an observation from clearer times (and when there were bright comets in the night sky).

In the telescopic view, Comet Swan was a very well defined visitor from the outer solar system. I was struck by the bright core and the streaky tail. Perhaps other observers also saw this comet around this time?

Gazing at Swan

This sketch was done at the eyepiece with graphite pencil and a stump on white paper. It was inverted after scanning and most of the text was then added. I used the little Astroscan reflector I keep for my students to use–it doesn’t have high end optics but it is easy to grab and has a wide field which is useful for observing comets.

Object Name: C/2006 M4 (SWAN)
Object Type: Comet
Location: Friars Hill, WV USA
Date: 26 October 2006

Michael Rosolina

A Visitor to the Swan

A Visitor to the Swan

Comet C/2006 W3 (Christensen)
Sketch and Details by Diego González


Comet Christensen (C/2006 W3) was probably one of the most interesting views I had last summer. Although not a bright comet, it was small and concentrated, making it easily visible from my moderately polluted backyard. On July 17th it had a size of about 3’ and a roundish shape, with a rather high surface brightness. The comet’s center is slightly brighter but not prominent. It was moving through constellation Cygnus, near Zeta Cygni, so the starfield in the eyepiece is very rich even at high powers. In summary, a small but beautiful comet for a summer night.

Sketch: 2HB graphite pencil on white paper, scanned and processed with Photoshop Elements 2.0
Object Name: Comet C/2006 W3 (Christensen)
Object Type: Comet
Location: Asturias, Spain
Date: July 17th, 2009
Instrument: 120mm f/8,3 refractor + BO/TMB Planetary 9mm eyepiece (111x)

Diego González

Christensen in Digital

Christensen in Digital

Comet C2006/W3 (Christensen)
Sketch and Details by Tamás Székffy


This is my first submisson to Astronomy Sketch of the Day site.

I’m in astronomy for almost 9 years, and mostly make digital

* *Object Name* C2006/W3 (Christensen)
* *Object Type* Comet
* *Location* Ágasvár, Mátra, Hungary (47N55’23,5″; 19E49’28,1″)
* *Date* 20 July 2009. 22:12 UT
* *Transparency:* 6/10, *Seeing:* 7/10, *t**emp.:* 19°C, light wind
* *Medium:* sketch by graphic pencil on sheet paper, later scanned
and used as a reference for digital redrawing with Corel
Painter 11
* *Equipment:* Celestron NexStar 8″ SCT with 30 mm Plössl EP (68×)

I used SkyMap Pro for a more precise background starfield,
original sketch used to have only the 20 most important “reference”
stars for both limiting magnitude, field of view and exact location
of the nucleus.
Note the unusual gradient at the north-eastern part.

Drawn by Corel Painter 11 and a Wacom tablet, final version scaled
in PhotoShop, field of view circle made by Corel Draw! 12.

I hope you enjoyed.

With best regards,

Székffy Tamás ~ allfinance pénzügyi tanácsadó

A Great Visitor

A Great Visitor

Comet Hale-Bopp
Sketch and Details by Per-Jonny Bremseth

I send you comet Hale-Bopp, “a great visitor!”

I dont know if you like older sketches, but to me the comet
was so splended and great, that I never can forget it!
Well, I made this observation with 10 x 50 binocular when the
comet was near brightest.
I used crayons (watercolour) on black paper only.
Location: outside Trondheim city, Norway.
More info on my sketch.

From Per-Jonny .

Mother of the Perseids

Motjher of the Perseids

Comet Swift-Tuttle
Sketch and Details by Per-Jonny Bremseth


Send you, “comet Swift-Tuttle, the Perseides mother”.

This comet is associated with the famous meteorstream
Perseides, which will peak at maximum 12. august each year.
Comet Swift-Tuttle was seen as a bright comet in 1862 and
returned in 1992. The comet was also perhaps the same as the
one observed in 1737 (Kegler).
I was happy to observe the comet. It was active with structures
of Jets.
I made this drawing with Crayons (water colours) on black paper
(not inverted).
The seeng and the atmospheric quality was very good.
more info on my drawing!

The observation was done 6 km outside Trondheim city, Norway.

Best wishes from Per-Jonny Bremseth.

Holmes, a Historic Comet

Comet Holmes

Comet 17P/ Holmes
Sketch and Details by Per-Jonny Bremseth


Sending you “Holmes, a historic comet”.

This drawing was made 26. oct. 2007, 20.55 U.T.
Telescope : 15 inch Dob. f 4.5. , 140x magn.
Location : Trondheim astronomical observatory outside
the town.
Country : Norway.
The sketch was made with water colour crayons on black
paper (not inverted).

The comet was a most interesting object to observe, and I
made many sketches of this exploded comet.
More info on my drawing!

Best wishes from Norway and Per-Jonny Bremseth!!

Dreamt for Observation of the Lulin Comet

Comet Lulin

Comet Lulin (C/2007 N3)
Sketch and Details by Krzysztof Pieszczoch

Evening 28 Feb. 2009 was dreamt for observation of the Lulin comet, therefore I decided to sketch her. However in spite of using binoculars I couldn’t see the tail of a comet, because I had big light pollution from the side of the nearby city.

Object name: C/2007 N3 Lulin
Object type: Comet
Location: Łęg Tarnowski , Poland
Date: 28 February 2009
Time: 21:00 UT
Artist: Krzysztof Pieszczoch (Astrokrzychu)

Equipment used: Binocular 16X50 (2″) FOV 4,25 deg.
weather conditions:
-low temperature
-little wind

Yours sincerely,
Krzysztof Pieszczoch