Comet Lovejoy

C/2011 W3 (Lovejoy)
C/2011 W3 (Lovejoy)


My name is Peter M Moriz. I live at Moonee Beach, Australia. I’ve just started to do sketching. This is my third sketch I’ve attempted. The other 2 were of small g/c’s…..

This sketch was done at Nana Glen west of my home town to get a little darker skies to see more of the comet’s tail. It was done naked eye and it goes from horizon to crux, say around 30 to 35 degrees. I put the milky way in the top of sketch to get some idea of how big the comet has become. The Coal Sack is there as well….it was done on the 28th of December 2011 and around 3.30am and had taken me around 45 minutes to do..I hope you enjoy the sketch–Alex, a fellow sketcher here in Australia, said I should submit it.

Media: black sketch paper A4 size with white pastel and white ink pen

Thanks for the time to read and view my sketch.

Peter (Mozzie) :my nickname

Comet Garradd

C/2009 P1 (Garradd)
C/2009 P1 (Garradd)

This is the first sketch I am submitting to ASOD although I do many sketches of Messier objects and double stars and plan to submit more later. This sketch, entitled “Comet Garradd,” was conducted from the summit of Haleakala on Maui at 10,000 Ft. elevation, using my Celestron C925 with a Swan 40 eyepiece at 58X. The location is in Science City at the Institute for Astronomy at the Haleakala Amateur Astronomers Club which I am a member. It was executed September 19, 2011, with a #2 HB pencil on a standard 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper log.

Object: Comet Garradd
Observation Location: Haleakala Summit Maui, elev: 10,000ft. 20 71 52W -156 169W
Right Ascension: 19 32 06
Declination: 19 43 19
Constellation: Hercules
Magnitude: ~8
Size: ~6
Date: 09/19/11
Time: 2141
Media: Pencil on paper
Transparency: 6/7
Seeing: 4/5
Conditions: Temp: 52ºF, Wind: 14mph, Humidity: 9%
Telescope: C925
Focal Length:F10
Aperture: ~235mm
Eyepiece/Magnification: Swan40
Power: 58X
Filters: None

Notes: Star hopped NNW from SAO 103839 past double a star to the object. Close to the south are two pairs of stars. Close to the north are two pairs of stars. The object seems mostly round with a strong concentration and what seems like a pinpoint brightness in the center. It has a tail streaming off to the south.

Steve McGaughey, A.K.A. Steve McGee

Garradd and M71

C/2009 P1 (Garradd) and Messier 71
C/2009 P1 (Garradd) and Messier 71

26/08/2011 _ 23.30 – 23.50 CEST
Hlucin _ Czech rep.
Pencil on white paper and inverted in Photoshop

Here is the sketch of comet Garradd and globular cluster M71. Conditions were very fine, clear sky and only some light pollution. I made the sketch yesterday night. [note: sketch was submitted August 26, 2011.]
Clear sky

Tom Perdoch

Comet Garradd

C/2009 P1 (Garradd)
C/2009 P1 (Garradd)


I’m a “brand new” French speaking subscriber.

I’m living near the French Riviera in Rocbaron were the sky is still very correct for observations.

I attached here four of my last sketches (Garradd comet, Uranus, Jupiter and the weak up of an eclipsed moon). [editor’s note: today we are featuring the C/2009 P1 (Garrad) sketches]

The actual ASOD web site fulfills a real interest for lot if us, observing with only eyes and hands.

Thanks to you all to help us to contribute… !


Fragmenting of C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)

C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)
C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake)

Hey Artists!

I send you “fragmenting of C/ 1996 B2 Hyakutake”.
For visual observers much happened in the coma of this nearby, fastmoving great comet.
With a scope you could see the false nucleus with a bright, fan-shaped structure tailward and great shockbows sunward! The outer part of the bows were faint, so the sketch is enhanced. More info on the sketch.
I used crayons on black paper.
From Trondheim, Norway.

Best wishes, Per-Jonny Bremseth.

New Guest on the Sky

C/2009 P1 (Garradd)
C/2009 P1 (Garradd)

Location: Budy Dłutowskie – small village in central Poland
Date: 05.08.2011
Media: graphite pencil, white paper, color invert
Telescope: Columbus 13” (320/1387 Newtonian telescope) + Antares Speers Waler I 14mm
Seeing: 2/5
Transparency: 1/5
NELM: 6 mag


New guest on our sky – comet C/2009 P1 Garradd. She will stay with us in next months. Now we can observe this object in Pegasus constellation (near to M15). Quite bright head with wide weak tail (8-8,5mag). In next month brightness of this comet will be constantly grow.

Clear sky

Comet Visits a Globular Cluster

C/2009 P1 (Garradd)
C/2009 P1 (Garradd)


The other night a visitor to the inner solar system, Comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd), appeared to make its own visit to M15, one of the brightest globular clusters in the northern sky. I say “appeared to” because M15 is actually over 33 thousand light years distant.

Comet Garradd was beautiful to see as it glided past the glob over the two nights I was able to view it. The soft glow of the moderately condensed comet head contrasted nicely with the bright knot of stars in M15 as the fan shaped tail swept faintly to the southeast, a sight I’ve tried to reproduce with this sketch.

Garradd will be making more visits over the next few weeks as it travels past the constellations Delphinus and Sagitta and the Coathanger asterism. Catch it if you are able!

C/2009 P1 (Garradd)
Twin Sugars Observatory Friars Hill, WV USA
August 1st & 2nd, 2011
Graphite pencils on white sketch paper, inverted digitally

Regards to all,

Michael Rosolina

C/2009 P1 (Garradd)

C/2009 P1 (Garradd)
C/2009 P1 (Garradd)

Good morning,
I sketched Garradd last Wednesday. It is my first sketch of comet.

Garradd – Tom Perdoch

C/2009 P1 (Garradd)
Hlucin (CZ)
27/07/2011 _ 22.30 – 22.45
Pencil on white paper – inverted in Photoshop

It’s my first sketch of comet in my life. I saw this comet first time. I use Dobson 8″ and Meade 16mm SWA. It was first good night in July. I hope it won’t be the last sketch of this comet.